He withholds the sky, preventing it from collapsing onto the earth. How dare we believe in thesame folks that staged the fake moon land and disbelieve in Allah. Early Muslims however believed this related to the two extreme points on the horizon where the sun rose and set from and to, during the height of Summer and the depth of Winter. All this is absurd, false and contrary to observation.. Oh alright then, heres one for you: The second argument is that because Ramadan is really long at the Polar regions (despite the fact that the Prophet of Islam gave advice on how to manage religious obligations when days are long) the Quran must have envisaged a flat earth. Hello, in Islam, most scholars say the first heaven is the universe, and we are unable to go any higher than that because the heavens are so big and we will never have enough fuel to get all the way up there. leann hunley kinder. Friday, June 10, 2022posted by 6:53 AM . Sheikh Bandar al-Khaibari stunned students at a university in the. Each one runs to a term stated. Observation is the key here. This is Allah, your Lord. Answering the allegation thatthe Holy Quran claimed that earth is flat. Some number the layers as four, others as seven, above the layer in which we exist (the Troposphere), which is precisely what the Quran states: And We have created above you seven layered heavens (lying one above the other), and We are never neglectful of the creation. [23:18]. 3981 miles. They mean that the Earth is stationary and the Sun moves around the Earth and thus we have day and night. Except that the Quran nowhere states that. Regards. The last part of the verse tells us that the orbit of each planet is different and that the stars are floating in such a way like the fish in the sea. earth is stationary quran verse Publicado por Por fatima sana shaikh relationship septiembre 22, 2021 Wiki-Islam claims that the Quran presents the world as flat on account of the following words used in the following verses: Who made the earth a bed [firash] for you, and the heaven a roof, and caused water to come down from the clouds and therewith brought forth fruits for your sustenance. lying one above the other which is exactly the case. https://www.quranite.com/the-quranic-model-of-the-heavens-and-the-earth/. The one flying to the west will reach a distance of 2072 miles because as much as it went to the west, this branch went to the east due to the earths rotation. Interestingly however, he found that the land closest to the volcanoes, was younger. The Quran and the 'Flat Earth' model It is therefore highly significant that the Quran directly links the process of the Earth spreading out to the formation of underwater mountains, in the following verses: And the earth have We spread out [madadna], and set therein firm mountains [Rawaasiya] and caused everything to grow therein in proper proportion. [15:20], And the earth We have spread it out [madadna-ha], and placed therein firm mountains [Rawaasiya]; and We have made to grow therein every kind of beautiful pair. [50:8]. do you now what happen if all the stars are at the lowest heaven. Thanks for the reply. - They are cold bodies in comparison with their mother star. So, verily, with every difficulty, there is ease. here is a good article: But as has been demonstrated, this misinterpretation would be absolutely unacceptable for the following reasons:The verse clearly speaks in the present tense and not in the future tense. This modest depth of penetration is much more in agreement with a spherical Earth that has impenetrable layers, than with a relatively thin disc-shaped Earth as suggested by the FEM. By saying that the spreading of the earth is not conjoined with the mention of Jibaal, what was not meant is that they cannot occur in the same passage, but that whenever spreading out is mentioned along with mountains immediately along side it, in the same verse, then you see the word rawaasiyaa is used. Oh Allah I disassociate myself from those who try to change the meaning of your Book and I disassociate myself from every ungrateful hypocrite who only lives to please his people around him. This is important to understand; the process itself of plate tectonic movement enables magma upwelling, which in turn forms an underwater mountain range. To explain them more clearly, one might begin by . In favour of this Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) wrote the following treatises: In his first treatise, Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) has discussed the earth theory in light of the Quran and Hadith that the earth and sky are static, by quoting several verses from the Holy Quran. but his theory that the earth is stationary and the sun and stars rotate around it, delayed the progress of the science of Astronomy and kept mankind in . Just for the sake of satisfying them do not change the real meaning of the Quran. There is no point in reinventing the wheel, and as such, I will simply quote the remarkable and beautiful elucidation of the Fourth Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh, to explain the definitive evidence of a planetary model in the Quran: Now we turn to another aspect of the description of the cosmos which relates to the motion of the heavenly bodies. In 1912 a geophysicist and meteorologist by the name of Alfred Wegener, looking at the shape of the continents and how they fit together, developed the theory of contintental drift. Do you hear? It describes the celestial in a manner that people were accustomed to and described it in a language they understood. I think that you should inform yourself some more about the Michaelson and Morley experiment, which was one of the scientific experiments that became famous because it failed completely. After all, the verse begins They ask thee concerning the mountains; nobody asked the Prophet of Islam about physical mountains, but about the hurdles faced by the Muslim community, in the form of great nations, such as the Byzantine and the Persian empires, which were indeed, humbled, crushed and scattered by the Muslims. Nowadays, the spheroid shape of earth is an undisputable scientific fact that is . and the quoransays stars are at lowest heaven. However, if the Earth was flat, gravity would affect people and objects quite differently, depending on how far they are from the centre of the flat Earth. Level up the land or Flat the land It has a diameter of about 1,392,684 km, about 109 times that of Earth, and its mass (about 21030 kilograms, 330,000 times that of Earth) accounts for about 99.86% of . earth is stationary quran verse . The significance of this was not realised until, in 1962, Admiral Harry Hess published a groundbreaking paper in the History of Ocean Basins in which he demonstrated, through his sonar analysis of the ocean floor, that the further laterally you moved from the mid-ocean volcanoes (such as the mid-Atlantic ridge), the older the land became. Subhanallah the world is flat and the seas are level. 27:88 Learn how your comment data is processed. SPHERICAL EARTH & STATIONARY.. 3) QURAN HADITH INTERPRETATION BY ALA HAZRAT R.A (FLAT OR STATIONARY) EARTH Mohd Farhan Ali, Apr 3, 2022 #41. First, the Qur'an DOES NOT SAY that sun revolves around the earth; nor does it say that the earth is stationary, as was claimed by the Church in Galileo's time. And since this is not what people who are located far from the centre of the Earth experience, the Flat Earthers decided that it is easier to declare that there is no such thing as gravity! The Quran is a religious text that claims to be word-for-word revealed from the All-Knowing God, so if the Quran did state quite clearly that the world was flat, then that would indeed be a serious problem for Muslims. One explanation has come to light only recently, as more and more scientists believe that the perfect conditions for the origin of life are found in undersea hydrothermal vents, at these very mountain ridges. But there are other verses that can. Again, this need not necessitate a flat Earth. However, gravity is an enemy of the FEM! That is the decree of the Mighty, the All-Knowing. Such a statement is a sure sign of the Prophet Muhammad's truth, peace be upon him. As you have disassociate yourself from the disbelieving folks, thesame way our father Abrahim did. These earth-like planets share numerous properties, such as: - They revolve around the mother star (Sun) in orbits. also, Babylonian mythology says stars at lower heaven does that mean they believed in the multi-universe. However, sometime towards the end of the 20th century, a new trend emerged by which old ideas were rejuvenated. Dharti gol hai The Quran refers to how the earth has been "spread" and "expanded" so that mankind can use the ground to sit on, to sleep on and to travel on. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 45 And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. Peace I have come across three verses in the Quran which says that the earth is stationary/fixed. (b) That the words signifying the movement of the sun refer to its rotation on its own axis, known as solar rotations, or to the revolution of the sun around the galaxy. The Quran describes the Earth as having two Easts and two Wests. was the deepest man has ever dug through the Earth. In so far as the prerogative to determine the movement of celestial bodies belongs to those in the fields of astronomy, cosmology, etc., those in the field of religious scholarship are required to submit to their opinions on these issues. May Allah Taala grant us the Taufeeq and Hidayat to accept the truth and to reject the falsehood which the west is spreading throughout the world, Ameen. If the earth is really a sphere why did not God say it is a ball, or even hint to that, not once. After all, they are in separate verses. Zameen meant Earth in the first sentence and in the second sentence it ment land. Earth is geospherical in shape + The Quran mentions the actual shape of the earth in the following verse: "And we have made the earth egg shaped". In his second treatise, Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) has elaborated that the sun is in motion while earth is static based on astronomical observations and calculations. Never should we place the word of men above the word of God. Concerning Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, Mazaar: Hazrat Moosa (Alaihis Salaam) Palestine, Mazaar: Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Iraq, Mazaar: Ala Hazrat Imaam Ahmad Raza Khan Qadri India, Mazaar: Hazrat Allamah Ibrahim Khushtar Siddiqui Mauritius, Mazaar: Hazrat Shah Abdul Lateef Qazi Siddiqui South Africa, Mazaar: Hazrat Shaikh Noorul Mubeen South Africa, Mazaar: Hazrat Shaikh Yusuf South Africa, https://raza-e-khushtar.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Durood-Unpe-Ke-Jin-Ke-Dar-Se.mp3, And made the sun and the moon subservient. Insha Allah hereunder you will find proof from the Holy Qur'an that the earth is in fact stationary and the sun revolves around in an orbit. Allah plans every affair and explains clearly the signs so that you may believe the meeting with your Lord. [, And He made the sun and moon and stars subservient to His command. [, And He made the day and the night, the sun and the moon subservient to you. https://youtu.be/L9ofCP3WAKU. The earth started its existence "without form, and void." Genesis 1:2. The reason can only be because of the dipping of the Sun below the curved surface of the Earth. OMG this is a parody of sort, Why didnt Allah mention earth is round because people will not understand that in that time? The length of something doesnt dictate the validity of ones arguments no more than the type of font one uses. I think heaven in these verses means something like space or everything that is outside the earth. Imam Alusi comments on the position of these philosopher by stating: We have heard that they altered their position again by stating that the sun moves around another star. So if we take this theory that the universe we live in is the bottom heaven, then the Quran isnt wrong since all stars are in our universe. Anything which cannot be dislodged can never be catapulted out of the earth, to fly alone, leaving the earth behind.The Holy Quran exquisitely succeeds in making this revelation in a manner that the prevalent knowledge of that time is not too loudly challenged. But the sky itself is stationary. WikiIslam authors argue that because the Quran describes the sun as setting into the sea, it means the sun literally enters into the water. Growing up reading the Holy Quran from a young age, it was very obvious that either the Earth is spinning according to the Holy Quran or there is continental drift. Hence such a translation is out of the question. The mountain range is formed by the very act of seafloor spreading. It is known that the earth orbits the sun, not the other way around. The Arabic word for Earth is / l-ari. The mid-Atlantic is the largest mountain range in the world, running a huge course on the seafloor of the Atlantic ocean. Do your own research, but first begin by questioning the science, and not the Quran. Ala Hazrat Imam Ahle Sunnat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Radiallahu Taala Anh) has explained the Islamic theory (based on Quran and Hadith) that the earth is static. I know being apologetic and defending a book written by 700AD desert dwellers could be challenging so try again. Whereas, the whole world was considering that earth was stationary: The word referred to (rawsiya) does not mean specifically ocean crust mountains since in 13:3 it is used for mountains and rivers placed therein when the earth is spread and 77:27 they are additionally lofty to emphasise their height above us. These two forces combined account for the process of seafloor spreading: new crust pushes old crust away, and old crust pulls new crust along. The matter gets tricky the further away one is located from the centre. A person standing near the edge of the disc would feel a horizontal pull and not a downward pull. Did you not see that Allah turns night into the day and returns the day in the night and He makes the sun and the moon serve you? As it happens, the majority of the features of the FEM contradict and discredit a large number of scientific theories and scientific knowledge that has been known and accepted for many centuries. Your email address will not be published. (79:31-33). The existence of lengthy days at the polar regions do not affect more than 1% of the worlds population, and so is irrelevant; fasting in normal daylight times would still be considered a valid practice. Question: Recently I read that it is obligatory for Muslims to believe that the earth is stationary and that the sun orbits around it. Set not up, therefore, equals to Allah, while you know. [2:23], And the earth We have spread out [farashna], and how excellently do We prepare things! [51:49], And the earth have We spread out [madadna], and set therein firm mountains and caused everything to grow therein in proper proportion. [15:20], And the earth We have spread it out [madadna-ha], and placed therein firm mountains; and We have made to grow therein every kind of beautiful species. [50:8], He, Who has made the earth for you a cradle [mahd], and has made pathways, for you therein, that you may follow the right way [43:11], It is He Who has made the earth for you a cradle [mahd], and has caused pathways for you to run through it; and Who sends down rain from the sky, and thereby We bring forth various kinds of vegetation. [20:54], And Allah has made the earth for you a wide expanse [bisaat] [71:20], And the earth, along with it, He spread forth [dahaa]. [79:31]. The process, he realised, verified the theory of continental drift. I think this is the most likely explanation for the seven heavens and the seven earths, that it means many star systems and star clusters with many earth-like planets. He produced therefrom its water and its pasture, Who knew? Rather, the principles of our tradition dictate that we accept the heliocentric model of the universe that currently stands as the consensus position of those specializing in the study of celestial bodies. Hereunder is an extract from the book Fauz-e-Mubeen to show us that not only does the Holy Quran disprove the western school of thought, but Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) has also scientifically proven (with extensive calculations, explanations and proofs) that the earth is stationary and the sun revolves around in an orbit. If lamps mean either planets or stars, I think the lowest heaven either means the solar system (with the planets reflecting sunlight as the lamps) or a cluster of stars. The FEM suggests a static universe that does not change in size. Extraordinarily, the Quran describes them as being layered, i.e. it could also be that the whole material and space in the universe including the billions stars and galaxies and deep space far beyond our imagination is in fact still below the seven heaven. And the stars are subservient by His command. Ahmadi Muslims taking on the big questions with a light touch. we showed through analysis of the roots of each word, that they refer to two different types of mountains: mountains on land (Jibaal) and undersea mountains known as seamounts in Geology (Rawaasiya). So if it just means many it could simply refer to the billions of star systems in the universe. If they, the mountains, were to fly in the future then how could man, even if he were perched at a safe distance on another planet, believe them to be stationary despite watching them flying in space? The evidence that the earth is round includes the following: Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): "He created the heavens and earth for a true purpose; He wraps the night around the day and the day around the night" [az-Zumar 39:5]. The scientific consensus now is that slab-pull is the more powerful force (70-80%) and that ridge-push accounts for less (20-30%). There are many verses such as the following . It doesnt mean level up the whole earth and if you think that I I must you should see a therapist. First, please check the Gravitational constant Gs value. It now takes Allahs grace and guidance to understand the truth. Once again, it was thought that the Earth is stationary and flat and was returned to its old position at the centre of the universe. People like you is why the world isnt evolving and getting better. But I also heard the explanation that seven is used to mean many or an endless repetition in the arabic language, in the same way thousands is used in English to mean many. In view of this, the motion of the earth as described by the Quran may not be apparent to the casual reader, but to a careful student the message is loud and clear. The Quran would have said You know them to be stationary and so they are but in future they will no longer be so. Yes, the Earth is flat (1 of 2) Next position > The Bible says that the Earth is a stationary object and is flat Many proponents of the flat Earth theory draw from biblical Scripture to back up their argument, which provides a specific interpretation that, to them, confirms their hypothesis. With this in mind, the basic principle is that whenever a literal or outward reading of a verse of the Quran or an authentic saying of the Prophet seems to contradict a decisively established point of fact, then that verse or saying is interpreted in a manner that accords to this established point of fact. The mid-ocean ridges are formed at the edges of two tectonic plates. A recent one in their arsenal is their allegation that the Quran represents the world as being flat. Hi there Ayse. Stop supporting the west. Holy Quran 51:48 This astonishing verse does not just tell us that the universe has expanded. Earth is here and you can go from anywhere you are to makkah from the east or the west on a plane and still arrive in mecca. The matter of the earth being spread out is made so frequently in the Quran that to the undiscerning eye, it seems bizarre. God ends the verse by referring to His concern to protect and provide for His creatures.