Contact Us. 0000077204 00000 n Select your address from the list by entering your address or post code in the search box to find your Council Tax charge for 2022-2023. The twice-daily update will deliver the top news and features to your inbox every morning and evening. 199 0 obj <> endobj Homeless households will also be given Band B priority for housing under the scheme, in another of the five major changes made by the council. Read about the number and type of council and housing association homes for rent that have been let, and who they have been let to, the number of households who have moved by mutual exchange, the number of council tenants who have bought their homes via the Right to Buy and the number of households on the Housing Register as at 1 April 2021. 3. Consultation on further Main Modifications, Local Plan Submission Version Representations, Approved Judgment - CK properties v Epping Forest District Council, Epping Forest Speciall Area of Conservation Position Statement, Epping Forest Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Position Statement, Epping Forest District Council Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment Scoping Report, Epping Forest District Local Plan Interim Sustainability Appraisal Report, Interim Sustainability Appraisal Report for the Epping Forest District Local Plan, Non-Technical Summary of the Sustainability Appraisal of the Epping Forest District Draft Local Plan, Sustainability Appraisal of Strategic OAHN Spatial Options, Sustainability and Equalities Impact Appraisal, Sustainability and Equalities Impact Appraisal Non-Technical Summary, Habitats Regulations Assessment Non-Technical Summary, Local Plan Habitats Regulations advice to Epping Forest District Council, Response to the Proposed Interim Approach to the Managing Recreational Pressure on the Epping Forest Special Area of Conservation, Sustainability Appraisal Report Addendum (Also in the examination documents ref ED128), 2021 Habitats Regulations Assessment (Also in the examination documents ref ED129A), Appendix E to 2021 Habitats Regulations Assessment (Also in the examination documents ref ED129B), Epping Forest Interim Air Pollution Mitigation Strategy (Also in the examination documents ref ED126), Interim Approach to Managing Recreational Pressure on the Epping Forest Special Area of Conservation, Judgment in People Over Wind, Peter Sweetman V Coillte Teoranta, Adoption of the Interim Air Pollution Mitigation Strategy, EFSAC Summary Air Quality Modelling Results, Motion to Full Council on the Interim Air Pollution Mitigation Strategy, Consideration of Call-In Items by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Stage 1 Assessment of the Viability of Affordable Housing, Community Infrastructure Levy and Local Plan, Appendix I - Development Appraisal Assumptions, Appendix III - Market and Values Research, Appendix IIb - Residential Results Summary - Strategic Site Appraisal Summary, Appendix III - Market Values & Assumptions Research, Putting Epping Forest First: Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) 2010-2031, Community Choices Issues & Options - Consultation Document, Epping Forest District Council Draft Local Plan, Report to Council for Extraordinary Meeting of the Council on 14 December 2017, Draft Local Plan Regulation 18 Consultation, Initial Findings of Regulation 18 Consultation, Resourcing the delivery of the Local Plan, Governance Arrangements for Local Plan Implementation, Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Vision and Design Guide, Outcome of the Chigwell Neighbourhood Plan Examination, Report of the Examiner into the Chigwell Neighbourhood Plan, Green Belt Review (Stage 1) and Settlement Hierarchy, Green Belt Review (Stage 1) and Settlement Hierarchy Cabinet Minutes, Epping Forest District Local Plan Submission Version - Report on the Regulation 19 Publication, Approach to Managing the Effects of Air Quality on the Epping Forest Area of Conservation, St John's Road Development - Progress Report and Provision of New Leisure Centre, Interim Approach to Managing Recreational Pressures on the Epping Forest Special Area of Conservation, Implementation of the Local Plan Update on Progress, Delivering Infrastructure in the District Developer Contributions Strategy, Appendix A - Developer contributions strategy for Cabinet, Implementation of the Local Plan: Update on progress, Harlow and Gilston Garden Draft Healthy Town Framework, Approach to Managing the Effects of Air Pollution on EF SAC, Implementation of the Local Plan Update on progress, Draft Sustainability Guidance for the District and Harlow and Gilston Garden Town, Sustainability Guidance for the District and Harlow and Gilston Garden Town, Epping Forest District Council Green Infrastructure Strategy presented to Cabinet (Also in the examination documents ref ED124A), Green Infrastructure Strategy Primer (Also in the examination documents ref ED124B), Green Infrastructure Strategy Implementation: Enhancing our Existing Network (1) (Also in the examination documents ref ED124C), Green Infrastructure Strategy Implementation: Landscape Led Design (2) (Also in the examination documents ref ED124D), Green Infrastructure Strategy Implementation: Green Infrastructure in Strategic Allocations (3) (Also in the examination documents ref ED124E), Green Infrastructure Strategy Implementation: Infrastructure Enhancement Projects (4) (Also in the examination documents ref ED124F), Epping Forest District Council Self Build Custom Build Housebuilding Register, Essex, Southend on Sea and Thurrock Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Assessment Summary 2016-2033, Essex, Southend-on-Sea & Thurrock: Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment Methodology Modelling Current and Future Needs, Epping Forest District Council: Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Assessment Need Summary Report, Activity on Sites for Traveller and Gypsy Accommodation GTAA to LPSV, Essex Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Assessment on behalf of Essex Planning Officers Association, Note for Epping Forest District Council Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment, Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update 2012, Updating the Overall Housing Need: Based on 2014-based projections for West Essex & East Herts, Strategic Housing Market Assessment Establishing the OAN, Strategic Housing Market Assessment Affordable Housing Update, Economic Evidence to Support the Development of the OAHN for West Essex and East Herts, Housing Implementation Strategy Update 2019 - Appendix 5 and 6, Epping Forest District Council Older Persons Housing Needs Assessment, Settlement Capacity Study Epping Forest District Council, Settlement Capacity Study - Appendix 1 -SLAA site SIEVING, Settlement Capacity Study - Appendix 2 additional inspire sites, Settlement Capacity Study - Appendix 3 Initial Site Pool, Settlement Capacity Study - Appendix 4 Brownfield Greenbelt Sites, Settlement Capacity Study - Appendix 5 Final Site Pool, Settlement Capacity Study - Appendix 6 Parking Provision, Settlement Capacity Study - Appendix 7 Modelling Assumptions, Settlement Capacity Study - Appendix 8 Visualisation, Epping Forest District Council Housing Service Strategy - Empty Homes in the Private Sector, The Essex Transport Strategy: the Local Transport Plan for Essex covering the period 2011-2026 And Delivery Plan 2015-2020, Essex Highways Technical Note 1: Base year junction capacity modelling, Essex Highways Technical Note 2: Spreadsheet model development, latest study position and next steps, Essex Highways Technical Note 3: Early-Stage Forecast Modelling Results Background Growth Only and Initial Local Plan Scenario, Essex Highways Technical Note 4: Forecast Modelling Results from 7 x Development Scenario Tests, Essex Highways Technical Note 5: Preliminary Mitigation Measures Modelling, Essex Highways Technical Note 6: Sustainable Accessibility Mapping and Analysis, Essex Highways Technical Note 7: Sustainable Accessibility Ranking, Mapping and Analysis, Essex Highways Technical Note 8: Sensitivity Testing / Car Ownership & Use Mapping, Lee Valley Regional Park Cycling Strategy, Economic and Employment Evidence to Support the Local Plan and Economic Development Strategy, Economic and Employment Evidence to Support the Local Plan and Economic-Appendix 1 methodology, Economic and Employment Evidence to Support the Local Plan and Economic-Appendix 2 methodology, Economic and Employment Evidence to Support the Local Plan and Economic-Appendix 3 methodology, Economic and Employment Evidence to Support the LP and Economic-Appendix 2 Evidence & Consultations, Economic and Employment Evidence to Support the Local Plan and Economic-Appendix 3 demand analysis, Economic and Employment Evidence to Support the LP and Economic-Appendix 4 sites and premises, Viability of the Horticultural Glasshouse Industry, Employment Land Supply Assessment- Appendix D1, Employment Land Supply Assessment- Appendix D2, Employment Land Supply Assessment- Appendix D3, Employment Land Supply Assessment- Appendix D4, Employment Land Supply Assessment- Appendix D5, Employment Land Supply Assessment- Appendix D6, The Lea Valley Glasshouse Industry - Planning for the Future Report, Lee Valley White Water Centre Economic Development Study, Epping Forest and Brentwood Borough Employment Land Review, The employment structure in Epping Forest District, Epping Forest Visitor Accommodation needs Assessment - Phase 1, Epping Forest District Visitor Accommodation Needs Assessment Phase 2, West Essex and East Hertfordshire Assessment of Employment Needs, Economic Impact of Tourism - Epping Forest 2014, Approved Judgment - Lee Valley Regional Park Authority v Epping Forest District Council, The Final Report of the Lea Valley Food Task Force, Epping Forest District Council Open Space, Sport and Recreation Assessment, Epping Forest consultation - Management issues and future proposals for Epping Forest, Revised Appendix 2 to the Epping Forest District Council Open Space Strategy (Also in the examination documents ref ED125), Green Belt Review Stage 1 report and parcel assessments, Green Belt Assessment: Phase 2 Technical Annex, Epping Forest District Council Landscape Character Assessment, Settlement Edge Landscape Sensitivity Study, Built Facilities Strategy Appendix A Supply Data, Built Facilities Strategy Appendix B Sports Club Survey Summary, Built Facilities Strategy Appendix C School Survey Summary, Built Facilities Strategy Appendix D Swimming Pools Facility Planning Model, Playing Pitch Strategy Appendix E TGR Calculations, Playing Pitch Strategy Appendix A Football Analysis, Playing Pitch Strategy Appendix B Cricket Analysis, Playing Pitch Strategy Appendix C Rugby Analysis, Playing Pitch Strategy Appendix D Hockey Analysis, Playing Pitch Strategy Appendix F Playing Pitch Calculator, Playing Pitch Strategy Appendix G Applying the Playing Pitch Strategy, Playing Pitch Strategy Appendix H 3G Scenario Testing, Playing Pitch Strategy Appendix J Pitch Improvement Programme Report, Playing Pitch Strategy Appendix K Planning Obligation Advice Note, Epping Forest District Protected Lanes Assessments, EB706 OSSRA - Abbess Beauchamp and Berners Roding, EB706 OSSRA - Abbess Beauchamp and Berners Roding Audit, EB706 OSSRA - Moreton and Bobbingworth Final Audit, EB706 OSSRA - Stanford Rivers Final Audit, EB706 OSSRA - Stapleford Abbotts Final Audit, EB706 OSSRA - Stapleford Tawney Final Audit, Strategic Land Availability Assessment - Appendix 6 and 7 Maps, Appendix B1.2.2 Justification for split sites, Appendix B1.3 Results of Stage 1 assessment, Appendix B1.4.1 Stage 2 Assessment Methodology, EB801Gi - A-B1.4.2-Extract for Buckhurst Hill p2-16 of full Appendix, EB801Gii - A-B1.4.2-Extract for Chigwell p17-66 of full Appendix, EB801Giii - A-B1.4.2-Extract for Epping p67-111 of full Appendix, EB801Giv - A-B1.4.2-Extract for Epping Upland p112-116 of full Appendix, EB801Gv - A-B1.4.2-Extract for Fyfield p117-125 of full Appendix, EB801Gvi - A-B1.4.2-Extract for High Ongar p126-132 of full Appendix, EB801Gvii - A-B1.4.2-Extract for Lambourne p133-140 of full Appendix, EB801Gviii - A-B1.4.2-Extract for Loughton p141-181 of full Appendix, EB801Gix - A-B1.4.2-Extract for Matching p182-183 of full Appendix, EB801Gx - A-B1.4.2-Extract for Nazeing p187-225 of full Appendix, EB801Gxi - A-B1.4.2-Extract for North Weald Bassett p226-267 of full Appendix, EB801Gxii - A-B1.4.2-Extract for Ongar p268-302 of full Appendix 1, EB801Gxiii - A-B1.4.2-Extract for Roydon p303-334 of full Appendix, EB801Gxiv - A-B1.4.2-Extract for Sheering Lower Sheering p335-348 of full Appendix, EB801Gxv - A-B1.4.2-Extract for Stapleford Abbotts p349-363 of full Appendix, EB801Gxvi - A-B1.4.2-Extract for Theydon Bois p364-385 of full Appendix, EB801Gxvii - A-B1.4.2-Extract for Waltham Abbey p386-443 of full Appendix, EB801Gxviii - A-B1.4.2-Extract for Willingale p444-448 of full Appendix, Appendix B1.4.3 Summary of Community Choices Feedback, Appendix B1.5.1 Categorising sites for further assessment, Appendix B1.5.2 Results of identifying sites for testing, Appendix B1.5.3 B1.6.3 Detailed Methodology for More Detailed Assessment for Housing Sites, Appendix B1.6.4 Results of stage 3 capacity and stage 4 deliverability assessments, Appendix B1.6.5 Results of identifying sites for allocation, Appendix C site selection settlement proformas, Appendix D Traveller site selection methodology, Appendix E1.1 Overview of assessment of traveller sites, Appendix E1.2 Results of Stage 1 assessment, Appendix E1.3 Results of Stage 2 assessment, Appendix E1.5 Stage 4 Quantitative and qualitative assessment, Appendix E1.6 E1.7.1 Stage 5 and 6 assessments, Appendix E1.7.3 Results of identifying sites for allocation, Appendix F1.1- Overview of Assessment of Employment and Other Sites, Appendix F1.2 Results of Stage 1 assessment, Appendix F1.3 Results of Stage 2 assessment, Updated Travellers Site Selection Methodology, Sites for consideration following Regulation 18 consultation, Appendix B1.1 - Overview of Assessment of Residential Sites, Appendix B1.2.1 - Residential and Employment Sites Discounted from the Assessment, Appendix B1.2.3 - Representations received to Draft Local Plan conultation, Appendix B1.3 Results of Stage 1 and Stage 6.1A/B Assessment, Appendix B1.4.1 - Detailed Methodology for Stages 2 and 6.2 Assessment, Appendix B1.4.2 - Results of Stage 2 and Stage 6.2 Assessment Part 1, Appendix B1.4.2 - Results of Stage 2 and Stage 6.2 Assessment Part 2, Appendix B1.4.2 - Results of Stage 2 and Stage 6.2 Assessment Part 3, Appendix B1.4.2 - Results of Stage 2 and Stage 6.2 Assessment Part 4, Appendix B1.4.3 Summary of Community Choices Feedback, Appendix B1.5.1 - Ranking Sites for Further Assessment, Appendix B1.5.2 - Results of identifying sites for Further Testing, Appendix B1.5.3 - Detailed Methodology Capacity Assessment, Appendix B1.6.1 - Land Promoter/Developer Survey, Appendix B1.6.2 - Detailed Methodology for Deliverability Assessment, Appendix B1.6.3 - Mineral Safeguarding Assessment, Appendix B1.6.4 - Results of Capacity and Deliverability Assessments, Appendix B1.6.5 - Technical Assessment Testing, Appendix B1.6.6 - Results of Identifying Sites for Allocation, Appendix E1.1 - Overview of Assessment of Traveller Sites, Appendix E1.2 - Traveller Sites Withdrawn from the Assessment after Stage 1 and Stage 2, Appendix E1.3 - Stage 1 Assessment of Traveller Sites, Appendix E1.4 - Results of Stage 2 Assessment, Appendix E1.5 - Results of Stage 3 and Stage 8.3 Assessment, Appendix E1.6 - Results of Stage 4 and Stage 8.4 Assessment, Appendix E1.7 - Results of Stage 5 and Stage 8.5 Results of Identifying Sites for Further Testing, Appendix E1.8.1 - Land Promoter/Developer Survey, Appendix E1.8.2 - Results of Capacity and Deliverability Assessments, Appendix E1.8.3 - Results of Iderntifying Sites for Allocation, Appendix F1.1 - Overview Assessment of Employment Sites, Appendix F1.2- Results of Stage 1 and Stage 6.1 Assessment, Appendix F1.3 - Stage 2 and Stage 6.2 Assessment, Appendix F1.4 - Results of Identifying Sites for Further Testing, Appendix F1.5.1 - Land Promoter/Developer Survey, Appendix F1.5.2 - Results of Stage 6.4 Deliverability Assessments, Appendix F1.5.3 - Results of Identifying Sites for Allocation, Epping Forest Historic Environment Characterisation Study, Epping Forest District Council Parish Lists of Buildings of Local Architectural or Historic Interest, Epping Forest District Council Conservation Area Character Appraisals Programme, Loughton, Buckhurst Hill and Theydon Bois Surface Water Management Plan, Environment Agency Water Stress Areas Classification (Prescribed Condition) Regulation 1999 (as amended), Epping Forest District Council Carbon Reduction and Renewable Energy Assessment, Thames river basin district Part 1_river basin management plan, Thames river basin district Part 2_river basin management planning overview and additional information, Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Update, Level 1 Figure 5 Historic Flood Information, Level 1 Figure 7 Environment Agency updated Flood Map for Surface Water, Level 1 Figure 8 Thames Water Utilities Limited DG5 Flood Records, Level 1 Figure 9 Environment Agency Areas Susceptible to Groundwater Flooding map, Level 1 Figure 10 BGS Susceptibility to Groundwater Flooding, Level 1 Figure 11 BGS Infiltration SuDS Suitability Map, Level 1 Figure 12 Environment Agency Flood Warning Areas, Level 1 Figure 13 Epping Forest District Flood Risk Assessment Zones, Level 1 Figure 14 Flood Defences and Areas Benefitting from Flood Defences, Essex Local Flood Risk Management Strategy, Epping Forest District Councils Flood Risk Assessment Zones, Epping Forest District Council Local List of Validation Requirements, Strategic Flood Risk Assessment- Site Assessment, EFDC Sustainability Guidance Volume 1. The district council budget set against inflation levels of 10% or more, represents a real-terms financial cut, while maintaining public services. and non-commercial research, and for any other purpose authorised by an 0000011126 00000 n Donate and support our work. Something went wrong, please try again later. Run by Volunteers and powered by Alaveteli. At 2.98%, its Council Tax increase adds only 9p to the weekly cost of an average Band D property. from band C? Business rates The result of the 2020 Housing Delivery Test for Epping Forest District Council is presented in Table 1 below. could I dont know what is meant by semi-rural, Due to the recent changes in the bands effective from 26 September 2022 Anyone can register and view possible swaps. Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioners Office, I cant drill down to specific areas and even if I If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your freedom of information 0000086522 00000 n Local lettings plans, which allocate accommodation to certain people such as emergency services staff or those vulnerable to being targeted by drug dealers, and can differ from the local plan, can be introduced by the council in exceptional circumstances. 0000005724 00000 n Documents (except photographs) can be The council will also spend an extra 100,000 on access works for a new cafe in the civic offices. Antisocial behaviour in Maldon nearly halved last year, Essex Police says, Reports to the local authority remained high, The moment Stephen Bear was arrested at Heathrow Airport on his birthday as TV star locked up for 'revenge porn', An image released by Essex Police shows the moment Stephen Bear was detained by officers at Heathrow Airport, Comedian Rosie Holt on the 'embarrassment' of being mistaken for a real MP ahead of her Essex show, The satirist shot to fame over the pandemic for her online videos posing as characters that parodied government ministers and societal figures, and brings her new show to Essex this month. Please click here for a copy of the Notice of Exemption. slight delay in response which was due to an oversight during 0000002563 00000 n Read more: Latest news about Epping Forest. 0000042026 00000 n Benefits HomeSwapper is an online mutual exchange register. We provide commercial 0000016113 00000 n CM16 4BZ, Housing allocations scheme 2022-2027 (pdf 581KB), Social Housing Annual Lettings Report 2021 to 2022 (pdf 325KB), Social housing lettings annual report 2020 to 2021 (pdf 342KB), LEASE Free information and guidance about residential leasehold and park homes law, Information on disruption to bin collections. hb```zA6Ad`0pl rlblH_@=ASC#G1a}f` hh`` hhh`nQ;@A4 D>`07Q?jN``i{@Y Benefits Email Elections and voting Antisocial behaviour in Maldon nearly halved last year, Essex Police says, Reports to the local authority remained high, The moment Stephen Bear was arrested at Heathrow Airport on his birthday as TV star locked up for 'revenge porn', An image released by Essex Police shows the moment Stephen Bear was detained by officers at Heathrow Airport, Comedian Rosie Holt on the 'embarrassment' of being mistaken for a real MP ahead of her Essex show, The satirist shot to fame over the pandemic for her online videos posing as characters that parodied government ministers and societal figures, and brings her new show to Essex this month.