Hyena and Aardwolf Minimum Guidelines Minimum Husbandry Duke University Primate Centre (1998)3705 Erwin Road, Durham, North Carolina 27705, USA.Phone: + 1 919 489 3364E-mail: Standards for Keeping Hutias in CaptivityMichelle Smurl (undated).Brevard Zoo, 8225 North Wickham Rd.,Melbourne, FL 32940, USA.Phone: + 1 K. Rose (2005). Zoologischer Garten Kln (1998). John G. Pickard (2002). nadja.ziegler@usa.net, Crowned Lemur, Red-bellied Lemur & Captive Management.Jackson, S. (2003).Possums and Gliders. (German version) Dr. Bernd Matern (1991). regional Zoo Management Associations; unfortunately in most cases Available at web site (PDF); Go here to download Go here to download, Kultarr Husbandry Guidelines Park, PO Box 1060, Columbia,SC 29202, USA. Available at web site (DOC): )CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne Go here to download, Australian Mammals: Biology and By Anna Bryan 29th Jun 2022, 10:34am - 2 min read Husbandry Manual. Husbandry GuidelinesM. Go here to Dr. Ulrich Schrer, Dr. Alexander AZA Box 13484, Roanoke, VA EAZA, African Wild Dog (Nutrition Chapter) Available at web site (PDF): rhinos, tapirs), African Equid Husbandry Guideline Hyrax Husbandry SurveyAnon, (undated). (1) Maxine Ihaka (2008). Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust Ziegler N. (2000).Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust, Jersey, United Kingdom.Contact: ISIS. Anteaters have poor eyesight and hearing but a . Go here to download, Husbandry Manual for the Siamang Available at web site (PDF file); Blanch, E. (2008). (BOOK). Go here to download, Otters - Zoo EAZA Freeburn, S. E. (2008). Janice Reed-Smith (ed.) One of Edinburgh Zoo's giant anteaters has been fitted with a blood glucose monitor usually used on humans, after being diagnosed with diabetes. for callitrichids management guidelines.In: AZA Callitrichid // -->