Kokichi told Shuichi that he made a wise decision before requesting the detective to give him back the Exisal hangar's alarm remote back, a request that he reluctantly complied to for Kaito's own safety. ", "Yeah! He also somehow knew the combination lock for the vault in Rantaro's lab, "Horse A", and "Twins B", which let Shuichi and Himiko discover the truth about Rantaro. ", "Woooow, so exciting! Kokichi overheard and offered to use his lockpicking skills in order to get into the lab, only to find the Ultimate Artist dead in the middle of her four wax effigies of the deceased that hung upside down from the ceiling. Geeez, I was willing to let you do whatever you want to mesince I love you, "That was a lie. 5 feet and one inch. Right before leaving the room, Kokichi says he wishes to have more fun games with the detective next time they meet. kichikoto (kichi/lizzy) Kichikoto#6642@kichikoto_ Appears in. We just have to connect the "How" and "What." He states that if he grows to like someone, he makes them notice him even if it means choking them. Size: Height(15cm/5.9inch). The real Gonta could seemingly understand where AI Gonta was coming from when he said that he wanted to be useful to everyone, which led to him being tricked by Kokichi. Y'know, one of those lies to make us more united or whatever. The next morning, Kokichi was with everyone else in the dining hall once again, happy that the Killing Game had supposedly ended. However, it is unclear how much, if any of Kokichi's past before participating in the 53rd Killing Game was real, and which was fabricated by Team Danganronpa. Debuts It's not often you get to play a, "Thanks! After Shuichi showed up, everyone decided that K1-BO may not be fit for the seance due to his inhuman nature, much the Ultimate Robot's dismay. Maki panicked, rushed out of the hangar, and made her way to Shuichi's Research Lab to retrieve the antidote for the poison, but Kokichi closed the shutter to the hangar to ensure she could not come back in. He is the self-proclaimed leader of an evil secret society with more than 10,000 members, though it's unknown if it actually exists. Furthermore, he is skilled at hiding and lurking without other people noticing him, and sometimes uses this ability to overhear other people's conversations. Manga Kokichi found this suspicious and while he couldn't investigate right now, would make mental note of this and theorize that Maki was hiding her true identity from the rest of the group. Kaito couldn't tell if he was lying or not but acknowledged that he was really pulling at his strings in order to get him to work with him, and even developed some respect for Kokichi. During his Free Time Events, while talking about his usual supreme leader claims, Kokichi describes himself as a pacifist whose number one priority is peace and he rather settles fights with games. Kokichi also hates being lied to and betrayed by the few people he considers at least a bit trustworthy. However, Kokichi, K1-B0, and Shuichi, much to the latter's dismay, made it very apparent that Gonta was able to commit this crime. Kokichi had a tendency to act confrontational towards Kaede and seemingly tried to make her question her own way of thinking. Kokichi however, lost a significant amount of blood due to his misstep. Shuichi split from Maki in order to investigate the seance, following Kokichi. (To. " In her relationship chart, Kokichi grins while calling her "an extremely ugly girl". Miu however, placed a bottle of poison on Kokichi's seat, wanting to make it look like he died in the real world as part of her murder plan completely unaware that the tables were about to be turned on her. Indeed, neither because of impulsivity or the need to confuse others, he lies mostly because he feels he's free to do whatever he wants whenever he wants. In the end, Himiko completely refused to believe that Kokichi may have had good intentions, saying that he isn't the type to shed real tears. Kokichi answers with a slightly surprised and innocent "huh!? So pleasecontinue to walk the path you believe in. Kokichi theorized that this school was specifically made for all of its participants if Angie's lab had all her favorite sculpting and art supplies. ", and then appears relaxed as he tells her they should focus on the class trial and talk about it later. Despite Kokichi being the one who created the plan, he is not considered the culprit of the murder as he did not directly kill anyone. On the night of the time limit, Kokichi remained alone in his room. Game Overall, Kokichi didn't help with the investigation at all but instead was more aiming to confuse the duo with his lies. 's vendetta against murder. He can also notice when people are lying to themselves, which is a trait he considers "not good". He has the classical tsume-eri uniform on properly. Kaito even once called him naive, telling him that everyone has a secret to keep, and he shouldn't get so paranoid over someone's true thoughts. This is possibly intentional from his part, as Tenko is very quick to violence and has threatened him multiple times, which is something Kokichi often wishes to avoid. Kaito initially refused, but when Kokichi made the point that Maki would be the blackened if he didn't, he had no choice but to go along with the plan in order save Maki and stop the killing game as well. After Kaede's death, he himself even pointed out that you'll feel happy and cheerful in no time if you just hit the reset button on your feelings, indicating that he is heavily suppressing his true emotions. Aware of her feelings for Kaito, Kokichi uses this to his advantage, infuriating her by insulting or physically hurting him. Moreover, in Chapter 1, Kokichi is also seen visibly concerned after hearing the first body discovery announcement. The height of Lance Bouma was 6 feet 2 inches. Komaru Naegi - 84cm. Likes ", "Of course, I am! While Kokichi claims its due to his supreme leader status, Maki has pointed out that several of his skills are more suitable for a petty thief. Kokichi never realized Gonta's memory loss during the investigation, just viewing him as being as dumb as always. He even creates a plan to have himself killed and had written a script for Kaito to use during the class trial. ", "Are you okay? During Chapter 4, Kokichi attempts to separate Kaito and Shuichi by telling Shuichi that he should be his friend and partner instead. Ironically, the Japanese kanji for Presidents (of USA, for example), "", means "junta leader" in Chinese. Difficult. This shows the lengths she was willing to go to in order to kill Kokichi. The group includes both boys and girls. As soon as Kaito rushed in, he was also shocked to find Miu's dead body, but Kokichi asked him why he had logged out before everyone else did, quick to suspect him despite knowing for certain that he didn't commit the crime, likely to fool everyone. Kokichi gave her a pout and it worked to some extent. Kokichi was the one who carried the cage along with Shuichi, remarking on its weight, before placing it down atop the crouching Tenko. A With this knowledge, Kokichi began to form the next stage of his plan. Kokichi appeared and congratulated everyone for discovering the truth of the outside world. "Yup, of course. Following the fourth trial, Kokichi would disappear for a couple of days to continue with his own plan. He was a degenerate male, that was for sure, but he seemed different from most. Kokichi later regathered with everyone else in the dining hall to investigate yet another Flashback Light. His small speech seemed to work, as everyone perked back up, enjoyed a small meal, then headed back to their dorms. Once Miu and Kokichi met up on the roof, Gonta waited in hiding before ambushing her from behind with a roll of toilet paper, strangling her avatar to death, causing her real body to die from shock. He also invites him to a tea party and suggests Shuichi could join his organization, so he doesn't have to die. In chapter 2, Kokichi witnessed Miu wandering around in the dark, walking around in her underwear in the courtyard as a tactic to escape Gonta. Supposedly because of his intelligence, Kokichi strongly disliked boredom (though not as badly as Junko Enoshima and Izuru Kamukura). Kaede nervously tried to explain she didn't mean it like that at all, but then some of the other students intervened to support Kaede while some others were truly tired like Kokichi said and turned against Kaede. Even though he did not receive the memories of his avatar, Gonta is still willing to forgive Kokichi and tells the others not to blame him during the trial. Malice. I don't think any of the characters have canon ages. In the end, Shuichi considers Kokichi an "embodiment of lies". Kaito, however, protects Kokichi from the finishing arrow. It's stated that Gonta was less trustful of Kokichi after the incident, though still continued to be close to him to keep an eye on him. Angie eventually told Kokichi and everyone else to meet in the gymnasium, seemingly failing in discovering anything about the conspicuous flashlight that she and Shuichi had discovered earlier. Kokichi presented everyone with the first topic, bringing out Ryoma's motive video, and said that one of those two had it. It's implied that contrasting his intelligence, his weakness might be his physical strength. That's how a, "More importantly, we gotta solve the mystery! During the trials, he often does not reveal Shuichi's lies even though he notices them. In chapter 2, when Kirumi stopped Gonta from attempting to capture her seemingly through willpower alone, Kokichi acknowledged her immense skill by pointing out that at least one of the students is actually worthy of being called an Ultimate. During the bonus mode Love Across the Universe's graduation event, his only dialogue is him crying about how much he loves everyone and is so glad that he met them. When Maki and Shuichi noted that he went to the rooftop himself, Kokichi suddenly got anxious and stuttered, but quickly calmed down after he used what Himiko said to try to hide the fact that he went to the rooftop. Later in Chapter 5, Kokichi gives his life as a part of his plan to defeat the mastermind. His favorite presents include a pop electro-water gun, most likely to use for pranks, and a hammock to relax and feel like a child again. He made a one last mom joke by asking if Kirumi truly isn't his mom. After the body discovery announcement played, Kokichi came to the gym along with Kaito and Miu, seeming distressed that Ryoma was the one who was killed after everyone had promised to end the killing game together, shouting at everyone to apologize to Ryoma. He then gave the antidote to Kaito, revealing that he only pretended to drink it. Characteristics Everyone wondered just where Kokichi had ran off to but lied by saying he couldn't find where the card key went to. He claimed that he himself inflicted pain and suffering on the group for no other reason than the thrill of it. He is also heard screaming in terror when Gonta forces him to be closer with a massive amount of bugs. The keyword on his initial design was simply "shota", so he was made to look like a cute and personable boy. Kaito does attempt to persuade Kokichi for answers by threatening him with a crossbow retrieved by Himiko and shooting him in the arm with it. In his Free Time Events with Shuichi, he seems to make sure the detective won't get actually hurt even if it means hurting himself instead. Despite this, Gonta sadly cried out why he would do such a horrible thing, still not even understanding his own motivations. According to Kodaka, his character focuses on duality, and his creepy expressions express his true nature to some extent.[5]. This list may fill you wi. If they survive this by HANA. Kokichi explained that he is more nervous around friends who share too much than strangers, which confused Kaede and turned her silent with a slightly worried expression. It's also implied that Kokichi can fight back quite well if he wants to, but his strength and fighting abilities are a bit unclear. On a more basic level, both Nagito and Byakuya are tall with light hair, while Kokichi is very short with dark hair. However, he does appear genuinely affected when Shuichi tells him that he's the kind of person who will always be alone. ", "Bullying? Himiko acknowledged his statement but said that that was the reason she was so upset now. She insults him by calling him a shota and a compulsive liar (in the English version, she goes even further by calling him "lying little abortion"). I don't wanna die either, y'know! She even put herself at odds with Shuichi, discouraging and insulting him during the trial despite him being one of her closest friends at the academy. Kokichi Ouma was a mystery; one that Tenko was determined to solve. Get it together. Considering his tendency to have some truth among his lies, this could imply something about his past. This made Gonta panic and so he tossed the toilet paper somewhere nearby. Kaito would proceed to retrieve the video camera, snap the cords to the press machine to ensure it would not move again, and hid inside the red Exisal until the class trial began, where he imitated the Ultimate Supreme Leader himself thanks to the Exisal's voice changing function, as well as a book that Kokichi prepared for this exact moment that detailed his exact way of speaking and specific behaviors unique to him, essentially carrying on his will and plan until Shuichi is able to deduce that the person inside of the Exisal is not Kokichi, but Kaito. During the Death Road of Despair, Kaede told the group to keep going, until most people's spirits were broken. However, Kokichi also understands that they simply have different views due to coming from different backgrounds and has stated that he doesn't wish for Kaito to change because his current attitude makes things interesting, showing that he does appreciate Kaito in a way. While interrogated by her, he appeared quite confused and shocked though trying to keep a steady voice and his mastermind act together despite this and his wounds. Due to this, Kokichi revolted, saying that Kaede's repeated motivational speech is the source of the group's agony, added by some of her friends giving up on escaping the tunnel, Kokichi himself included, and the group's harmony came to a swift end. After the Chapter 3 trial, Kokichi brought up the subject again and prompted Himiko to cry by bluntly calling her out for lying to herself by running away from her own emotions and bottling up her true feelings. During his free time events, he even gives this advice to Shuichi, telling him that games can be won by not playing them. Kokichi declared that everyone was free to do whatever they pleased before leaving them all in a state of despair and taking Kaito hostage in the Exisal hangar, confident that he had broken everyone's spirits with his lies so much that they wouldn't want to do the Killing Game anymore. Upon the third floor was Maki Harukawa's, the Ultimate Child Caregiver's, Research Lab. However, the Mastermind, after seeing that everyone was too apathetic now to continue the killing game, prepared a Flashback Light that gave everybody memories of Hope's Peak Academy, that they were the symbols of hope, and that Kokichi was a Remnant of Despair. Explore When was Lance Bouma drafted? I am a liar, after all! But I would've preferred it to happen sooner. Kaede was confused and shocked by his words, not realizing her actions could come across like that. Talent Portrayed by. Kokichi laughed Maki's claim off, claiming she was lying out of desperation. In Chapter 4, after Kokichi leaves the trial grounds alone with an evil grin on his face, for a very short moment his face is shown to turn very serious before turning back to "evil". During the bonus mode Love Across the Universe, Shuichi realizes that he cannot change Kokichi's lying which is a significant part of him and instead should try to understand him and his lies. 44 kg (97 lbs) In his promotional art, Kokichi is shown holding. During Chapter 2, he hides in the casino from Kaito and gets startled by Shuichi's appearance as he mistakes him for Kaito for a second. He cries in anger as he explains that he hates the killing game, its creators as well as its viewers for toying with their lives and enjoying it, and states his dislike for games you are forced to play. His last name, ma () means "king horse", which could be a reference to his Ultimate talent. The Many Layers Of Kokichi Otonashi As Kokichi Otonashi, one of the most mysterious and intriguing characters in Danganronpa, you'll learn a lot more about him as the game progresses. His shirt is ripped at the hem and the collar part of it is completely gone, and big parts of the uniform are fixed with metal clips. [9] Overall, he often appears to have good intentions, but acts on them in a harsh and confusing manner. Wesley Aeyler {{ relativeTimeResolver(1585369050946) }} LIVE Points 243. During the investigation, Kokichi tells the others about the situation and how strange it was, with him appearing visibly disappointed. Kokichi, wanting to make everyone watch each other's motive videos in order to make the killing game more interesting, thought up of a plan. When he attempted to play with Korekiyo's katana without his permission while they're inside his Research Lab, Korekiyo disturbingly threatened to tear out all of his nerves more than once, which seemed to genuinely frighten Kokichi and made him stop for once. Before the trial in Chapter 2, she seems to assume that Kokichi might like Himiko, since she believes in the old belief that boys tease the girls they like. He told everyone that he wanted to end the killing game as well, but Maki was tired of his deceptive nature and threatened to strangle him once again, asking him just what he was scheming. According to Gonta, he then foamed at the mouth and passed out, and was so exhausted the next morning that he only showed up after hearing the body discovery announcement.