I did have a rather obese cat named Cromwell, though, when I was about your age., You can be the dog, if I can be the tophat and Dad can be the thimble., Three biscuits says I can make him choose the thimble. She wagered and Henry looked up at her with wide, excited eyes. Henry was still spinning on the stool, but stopped abruptly with his head jerking to the side when Ted rested his hand on the backrest and gave him a stern look. She was so nervous she felt like she might throw up. Ted dashed up the stairs two at a time. Not tonight. His kisses moved from her brow to her lips, pressing firmly and lovingly. He wasnt ever disappointed to see Higgins, but hed made his way to her office in a rush, in a conundrum; in a near all-out panic, and he needed her insight or maybe just her hands on his skin, anything that would soothe the worry that had latched to his bones. She patted Teds shoulder and he immediately dropped her down to the grass and she giggled at the cool feeling of the grass between her toes, finding herself in that setting as their lips parted, looking up at Ted instead of the other way around. He knew what it meant, theyd even briefly discussed it when theyd passed four months of being together and knew, even more certainly than hed known the first time hed kissed her, that they were going to be forever. Its Rebeccas.. I mean, Keeley told her but does it count?, Teds eyes were bouncing between the three of them as Roy ticked off person after person on his fingers. Ted: "I do, but more importantly, I believe they need to believe in themselves.". Ted watched Rebecca from the bed, laying across it on his stomach with his arms wrapped around her pillow. Apparently theyre not coming alone.. No, no, She hissed, pulling him back into her arms. Its a home game, thank goodness; because beating Rupert in her home stadium was going to be such a wonderful feeling if they could pull it off. The ring that Keeley helped him choose for Rebecca had a stone perfect in cut, colour and clarity and was fit in a stunning, yet modest setting, ideal for a woman who didnt expect the world, but deserved it. Im not gonna live that one down, am I?. Apple Inc. Yeah, ah, He couldnt hold back the twitching. And to see you again, Henry. Keeley had told her once that her nervous smile made her look constipated, and that when she made a conscious effort to not look constipated when she was nervous, her smile just made her look like she had gas. Means weve had a chance to get to know each other a little, before the mayhem arrives., Well, Ted cleared his throat, offering Rebecca a quick wink before glancing at his mother, then Henry. His mother could travel, Henry could benefit from the broadened horizons of a father that lived in a foreign country and he could not go back to Kansas and leave her behind, he wouldnt, hed break himself in half before he allowed it to happen. Dont want our breakfast buffet to get cold. Ted shouted over the group huddled in the hall. He was perfectly Ted, smiling and nodding, regardless that the person on the other end couldnt see him. She could hear the rumble in the stands as she made her way through the lower floor of the club, listening to the rattling walls like thunder rolling in - boots stomping in the stands. Audiences fell in love with Jason Sudeikis, who plays Ted, an American football coach who takes a job as the manager of a Premier League soccer team in the U.K. (Spoiler alert: He knows nothing about the sport.) Last I checked, we were up two nil. She smirked and Rupert tutted his tongue. I just have to work out how to fit ten people in my tiny apartment. He was perfectly Ted, smiling and nodding, regardless that the person on the other end couldnt see him. She blinked, looking away from the baby who had hold of the collar of her dress, giving it little tugs, to refocus on Henry. Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Apple TV+/Jeni'sSince Ted Lasso premiered in 2020, I've yearned to try Ted's (Jason Sudeikis) buttery biscuits.I know I'm not alone here. Their eyes met, and Ted noticed how hers, pretty and green, were absent that touch of a sparkle he loved because the sun was going down and she was facing away from the windows. Oh.. I have seven bedrooms.. Us, Roy gestured between them before he started counting on his fingers. Nora and I used to play. She hopped up from the sofa, using Teds knee for support before dashing from the room with Henry hot on her heels. But seven more people, I just, His shoulders slumped again on a deep breath. But have you met you?. Alright, alright, I get it! She reached out to smooth his hair, trailing her fingertips and long nails down his temples, across his brow, over the tip of his nose, until she reached his lips. Theres so much here, surely we cant eat all this.. Jeff Tweedy. Thanks, I guess., Roy nodded. Anyone up for a victory game of Twister? So, apparently, He let out a shaky, nervous laugh and shrugged his shoulders dramatically. It took a moment for it to register with her, what Roy meant, until it did and her smile spread wider and she felt a warmth in her belly at what Ted was trying to do. His manner was cool and collected, his responses thoughtful and polite and balanced between near-genuine delight, and curiosity. And her bedroom is still exactly the same as it was when she was fifteen.. Shes gonna love you, honestly.. No one would be comfortable, wed be right on top of each other. Ted, Her eyes fluttered downward and he tutted his tongue. Ted dashed up the stairs two at a time. But I think she likes you., Oh, Rebecca jostled her a little to make them both more comfortable and smiled when the little girl clung tighter. But as she stepped into the kitchen, scratching the back of her head and trying her best to straighten her mussed up hair as she yawned, the sight was something she would never be able to be annoyed at. Hes probably my favourite cousin and his wife Jessie, man, shes a knockout, He blanched, suddenly holding up his hands to forestall Rebeccas response at how the words had come out. Slumping back against the cushions and setting his eyes on Rebecca. Where others voices started to shake or warble, Teds became calm. I love you. He breathed out and Rebecca slumped against him, her chest falling against his as she tucked her head under his chin and breathed in deeply. Ted frowned, pulling it from the box with a look of amusement as he spotted the little backpack on its back. Actually, Leslie, Rebeccas tone changed a little and Teds ears pricked up. Its certainly lovely, and so big! Come on through. He guided the boy through the throng of hugs and laughter, Jessie cooing over an art print on the wall that Ted happened to know was an original Rebeccas Dad had given her the christmas before he died. Rebecca stayed where she was, almost frozen, just watching. Oh yeah, I mean, He took two steps to the left of her, then spun around and took four steps to the right, then spun back around. He could feel his heart thudding against his ribs as he skipped up the landing, spun around the corner with his hand gripping the banister and came to an abrupt halt in the doorway - cheeks flushed, eyes wide, breathless - when he noticed Higgins sitting opposite Rebecca at her desk. Oh, Rupert gestured to the pitch. You alright, honey bunch? Ted questioned, looking over at Rebecca from where he had his shoulder rested against hers. He pressed his fingers to his brow, still doing his best to work the math out in his head and failing. Ted Lasso has blessed fans who have been eagerly awaiting since 2021 with its season 3 premiere date. I love the dog piece. Henry noted, bouncing on the balls of his feet behind her as she fumbled to reach the box she could see just a corner of. Hid what well?. Pop culture obsessives writing for the pop culture obsessed. Seriously?. She should have known, really, had she given it proper thought. I appreciate you guys, really. He grinned. So you dont want to?, Rebecca rolled her eyes. Oh yes. Since nearly the very beginning of this adventure., Of course dear. Catherine gripped her elbow with a smile. Brendan Hunt. The morning after their big night out. I mean, shed be nuts not to, but still.. Ted mouthed a You okay? Where others paced as panic set in, more often than not, Ted stood stock still. No, She shook her head. She should have known, really, had she given it proper thought. You told him about Paul at the gala. Ted questioned, gesturing to Hayes with her eyes now closed tight and her breathing evened out, resting comfortably in a full-body hug against Rebecca. Rebeccas house hadnt felt so festive in years. There were Christmas carols playing through the house, more traditional than the ones Ted and Henry had been dancing to the previous morning and at a much more reasonable volume. But have you met you?. And hes a lovely fella too, hey Rebecca., Rebecca swallowed. I didnt know we were coming to your house, so Dad taught me so Id have a present for you. He gave her a bashful little smile. Zulily has the best deals, discounts and savings. Over the summer, it was me.. He loved that dress, loved how it made her appear soft when she wore her hair out and curly like it was. 62,751. Im okay, Im not going to have a panic attack, thats not what this is., Her shoulders slumped and she let out a breathy laugh. She hopped up over him, straddling his waist, leaning over him to press a kiss to his lips. Everyone's favorite corny football coach, Ted Lasso, is back in a new trailer for the upcoming third season. Lucky for us, we don't have to wait too long anymore. Ted studied her face. Rebeccas parents house was built in sixteen eighty-eight and its always belonged to her family., Catherine blinked up at her, a little in awe. $69.95. She pressed her eyes closed, gripping the railing. He had the floral apron on again, as well as the Santa hat hed worn for a solid nineteen hours the previous Christmas, when it was just the two of them delivering bags of gifts to children in need. Oh Mae, yeah,, Beard pointed at him in agreement whilst Higgins continued to nod. Rebecca was nervous; had been since his mother had assured shed accompany Henry over for the holidays. Ms Welton owns Richmond! He piped in and his grandmother just grinned up at Rebecca, craning her neck farther than Ted ever had to. As The Rolling Stones' "You Can't Always Get What You Want" plays, we see Ted (Jason Sudeikis) slightly smiling as he walks through the locker room. Well my father always had a stake in Richmond, ever since I was a girl. Rebecca always looks amazing, Ma. Ted grinned, patting Rebeccas hip as he passed her and rounded the kitchen counter to reach into one of the cabinets. She sat in the owners box next to Jessie, with Keeley, Jefferson and Jones on Jessies other side - Phoebe and Henry had managed to convince Ted and Roy to let them sit down in the Richmond box on the pitch - and Hayes sitting contentedly in her lap. Just try it, Sausage. Rebecca woke to the sound of Jingle Bell Rock blaring through her downstairs speakers. Oh god, what do you want? She ground out. At the center of Lasso's coaching skills are his Ted Lasso-isms that range from profound to hilarious and everywhere in between. Oh, shes going to drift off. Jessie chuckled and Rebecca just shrugged, shuffling the girl so her legs hung over her hips and she could cuddle closer against her, more comfortably. Just my ex-husband, Rupert Mannion; he owns the opposing team. This way, Catherine. She gestured; both women heading towards the stairs in the hall. Mother. Rebecca greeted, a little surprised as Deborah stepped through the door as soon as she opened it, a large blue Le Creuset pot in her hands and a heavy tote bag bursting with presents, hanging from her arm. But like, He looked up into her eyes. Keeley, Roy and Phoebe had left before the night had gotten too rowdy, taking Phoebe home to spend the few remaining hours of Christmas day with her mother, promising to see them at the game the following day while Artie and Jessie had struggled with bedtime and three small kids who were hyped up on the excitement of all their new toys, a rich, delicious dinner and too many candy canes. Actually, I wanted to talk to you guys about something.. The Lumineers. Song: Open Your Eyes To LoveArtist: LMNTClips from the movies: Cinderella, Tarzan, Hercules, Beauty and the Beast, Pocahontas, Sleeping Beauty and AladdinI r. You get this dumbfuck look on your face whenever shes in the room; she clocked that., Baz, Paul and Jeremy. Beard added, with Roy nodding along in agreement. And its blue.. And my cousins kids, He stood up, following her, as though he was trying to talk her down from the cliff shed perched herself on with her offer. Ted? Rebecca questioned, standing up and moving around to meet him on the other side of the desk. Jessie pulled Rebecca around the room, their arms linked together as she introduced her to Teds other cousins, all of them offering kisses on the cheek or hugs if she felt comfortable enough - every one, every kind word was accepted with Rebecca glowing brighter with every step. Hes talked about you so much. Rebecca turned back around with her soft blonde curls framing her fresh, clean face. Hoo, that was unexpected. Ted hummed as she pulled back, her eyes glittering with happiness. Movies: Now more than ever. Ted watched Rebecca from the bed, laying across it on his stomach with his arms wrapped around her pillow. Breathlessly, Rebecca pressed her lips to the shell of his ear and whispered. to which she answered with a nod and a little wave, before blowing him a kiss with her gloved hand answering Leslie while she smiled at Ted. But Jones disagreed, presenting that because he didnt properly remember it, it didnt count and therefore, this Christmas was the best. So they were waiting at the terminal, Rebeccas Range Rover in the parking lot, ready to ferry them back to her house for the holidays and Teds Mum still had no idea she even existed. What amazed her was how well it all fit together in a blinding instant, with a simple question she already had the answer to. Come meet everyone. He could feel her nails digging into his palm, but she went willingly, smiling kindly as he introduced her to everyone in turn. Weve got training today for our Boxing Day game, and Rebeccas a bit of an expert on the history of AFC Richmond, He winked at her over the table. Rebecca was a touch overwhelmed, but it was no worse than team dinner with the boys, so she felt a strange sense of peace just sitting back and watching everything unfold as she chewed on her bacon, with Hayes rested comfortably on her knee, reaching over to grab food from her fathers plate here and there. But I also cant put them up in a hotel for Christmas, I mean if I have to, yeah okay. What surprised her, was the way her fingers twitched and her heart pulled her to take a step, to move towards them, to be involved. Rebecca stood up from the couch with a smile and turned towards her desk. But its not, this is Bert. Rebecca snorted unattractively at the nickname and Ted kicked the back of her seat. Like Season 1 of Ted Lasso, Season 2, which started streaming on Apple TV+ July 23 (Opens in a new tab), is packed with witty jokes and pop culture references galore.Ted and his Richmond crew love . After avoiding a breakup in the season two finale, it looks like Keeley (Juno Temple) and Roy (Brett Goldstein) still need to figure out their relationship status. The wooden floor was a little chilly under foot on the stairs as she followed the sound of off-key singing along with Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer that was so much louder now she was downstairs. The look in her eyes was a warning that said - not with your entire fucking family in the house though there was amusement there and he chuckled. Ahead of the new batch of episodes fueled on biscuits and believing in. She wanted that, more than anything. Ted and Henry were dressed in matching floral aprons - the ones Rebecca had bought for her and Nora when she was five. Yeah, Jan Maas doesnt know and its been a full time fucking job keeping it from the fucker, so if you guys could just go public, itd make our jobs a whole lot fucking easier. Roy grumbled and Ted chuckled, looking up at his friends with delight. Youd never joke about a thing like this, so heck, I know this is real. In an instant hed dropped everything in his hands to the ground and lunged for her, pressing her into the back of the couch as his arms went around her and his lips were pressed to hers - each of her hands cradling the sides of his face. AFC Richmond, Ted chuckled as he maneuvered the cart. Luckily, viewers who understandably might want to listen to the song over and over again can easily find it as the song's name is simply "Ted Lasso Theme." It was composed by Tom Howe and Marcus Mumford, the . You did it! She yelled in his ear as he shifted her up a little higher, arms wrapped around her legs, hoisting her up as she raised her arm in the air, realising as she was screaming along with the boys, that it was her first time on the pitch with them - and she loved it. Thats why I wont regret it.. Oh? Her expression was still impressively impassive. Rebecca, my life is here. He spoke firmly, finally, with a clarity there he needed her to understand. Wow, this place is stunning. Oh.. Its my own silly fault for not realizing he was hopelessly in love with you.. Theyre over for Christmas. Ted sat up in his chair, edging forward a little and resting his elbows on his knees, glancing between Roy in the doorway, and Beard in his own chair. Being woken up so early on Christmas Eve to the sound of blaring christmas carols - to be annoyed was right in her wheelhouse. Oh my god, youre wearing the pom poms! Keeley shrieked, and Rebecca laughed. This quick moment doesnt give a lot away, allowing fans to speculate wildlyincluding the possibility that the three will transform into a throuple in season three. 188,334. But Beard could see the tension radiating off his friend in waves. I don't want to hear it.". How come youre here?, Oh, Henry buddy, you can call her Rebecca. Ted corrected. And you, dear. The older woman grinned, impressing them all when she ducked down at the knees and dipped under the rail, popping up next to Rebecca. He wishes her and their son farewell. She smiled awkwardly, wrapping her arms a little tighter around Hayes and practically hiding her face in her hair as Jessie raised an eyebrow, knowing there was clearly something there between Rebecca and Keeley that they werent sharing. Browse Ted Lasso Songs by Season. If your favorite thing about Ted Lasso are the scenes between Ted and his boss Rebecca ( Hannah Waddingham ), the relationship between Jack and Principal Durbin ( Patton Oswalt ), as Durbin.