Thanks Allah.. The salty taste in my mouth started about ten days ago but only lasted a day or two. I did not have this the first time. I cant believe it is still here. I have a water softener also and told my husband a while before that I could actually taste the chemicals in the water, but only at certain times. LOL, believe it or not, its pathetic, but true. What shoul I do??????? I'm on 500mg amoxicillin 2*day. then i stumbled upon the solution during my annual physical. Have you tried sucking on ice cubes? It only lasted for few minutes but enough to frighten me. but i had moderate pain that comes and go in the teeth. I Have A salty taste In My Mouth After A Root Canal 2 Months Ago Medical Ask an Expert Medical Questions I Have A salty taste In My Mouth After A Root Canal 2 Months Ago Dr. David, Board Certified Physician 64,575 Satisfied Customers Experienced Physician trained in New York City. I still have gird but oddly it is not as bad as it was. Can a root canal cause a metallic taste in your mouth? For potential or actual medical emergencies, immediately call 911 or your local emergency service. My started yesterday afternoon. Should I go back to drinking from Monday to Friday??? Family doctors says he has nothing else to try. $ I have salty taste in my mouth for 2 months now. Heres how I solved my salty mouth problem: I completly changed my diet. I dont have a salty taste in my mouth, its just water that most of the time tastes salty to me. if so, why has it only just started happening?). Hang in there itll get better. In general, the pain should gradually subside on its own as the area continues to heal. I have had salty taste in my mooth for years, sometimes worse, other times a bit better. I feel the same had it 6 month an I need a cure did u find anything, My history teacher was teaching us about the effects of poison gas from world war 1 and she brought in a old gas mask and i smelt the inside and a weired smell puff out. I am in a good health with healthy diet for over 20 years which this is shocking to me. I was on mega doses of vit D and the level in me is normal now, but this did not rid the salty taste in my mouth. I have just convinced myself that it must be lack of water but then read all the above! I also was on a low fat diet for high col. And I take thyroid medicine. Ask the Dentist. My blood pressure has been Pre-hypertension or higher for quite some time now too. My husband and I started using Kosher and Sea Salt years ago for all our cooking except for baked goods. I think it is from either low thyroid, sinus inflammation, hormonal changes, low estrogen, or from a surgery on a root canal i had done. Even an antibiotic will not cure this. I also have Graves and am on Synthroid. Sometimes, the cause of this problem cannot be medically ascertained. Ive had this salty taste for almost a week now (since 15 January 2009). I have the salty taste only when I drink water as well. I take Potassium suppliments to try to help my kidneys balence the amount in my body but not sure if it is helping or not. Im at a lost to find some help for this problem. What could I do to eliminate the problem?? Good luck, your not alone. A salt taste started in my mouth about 3 days ago I had dental work root canals and crowns 3 months ago. Newbie So your brain tricks you into not liking the taste. . Ive had ringing in the ears for months, I hear crickets, constantly, louder at night, unbearable at times. So relieved to findthese messages online Im not the only one. Please note that the information we provide is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified medical professional. Were any of these people taking Lamisil?? I discontinued the Iodoral, and the metallic taste decreased by half. Good luck to you and I hope you get all your issues resolved soon. A root canal treatment can save your tooth and stop further decay and infection. Everything throughout the day has tasted like it and my lips when I lick them, too. hope we can all find an answer to this. Falling low on liquids can cause a salty taste in the mouth. Stuffy Nose A stuffy nose due to allergies or a cold can cause thick saliva. I had a tempo crown done 3 weeks ago on 13 piece (root canal done 3 years ago). The last page is treatment/home remedies. That is all I did and all I changed. He found H. pylori (bacteria) in my stomach, put me on the appropriate medicine and believe it or not, my mouth is normal again! Common factor: Alergies: for me yes (alergy tablets seemed to help) Acid reflux or Gerd as they say now: yes (I take tums) recent dental: Crown :yes : root canal :no but it was awful close to that Severity :laying down: yes mine would get relieved severity: did not notice after meals mostly late at night: but yes after I ate supper. But nothing is working. I now have no taste in my mouth. Hormonal imbalances. Keep thinking out of the box and maybe we can find a solution. Well,I have tried everything that has been suggested on the net in no vain . Has anyone else had any relief from changing to a non-acidic diet in combination with prilosec? In fact for me, beer is one of the very few things that tastes better now. Starting to freak out. am awaiting blood test results. I went ot dentists, doctors, ent, gastro doctor, endoclinologists, and even to washington dc from ny which was a terrible trip last January, and it cost me a lot of money. The only exercise i can do is in the water. I had had a temporary crown in for several weeks and according to several sources including the dentist, the materials in a temp crown can cause taste alterations. With a wonderful team of specialists, we strive to lead health conscious families on their journey to achieve optimal health with ease and confidence. Sorry. 2021. This work was done over a period of a couple of months and I noticed the taste changes while in the final phase of the work. The taste in the mouth is awful and it's coming from the surgical site. Yes, fear. It is worse in the morning. Statistics reveal that caries, broken teeth (trauma), severe . The fourth day, the salty taste was gone. that makes most toothpaste foamy when you brush can be a major contributor to the salty-mouth problem. Do you still get the salty taste returning.can you now eat & drink what you the same as you did before you had a salty mouth or does it return. If possible, avoid hot drinks and soup for the first 24 hours. At that time, Id had a lot of dental work done, including a root canal and a couple of crowns. I stopped taking the iodine and will see if it goes away. weird, and annoying! The website's content and the product for sale is based upon the author's opinion and is provided solely on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. and it is very annoying. and I used Alo dent mouthwash triple action + toothpaste same as instruction my dentist. i went to the dentist for a cleaning, and the next day it was gone. Search burning tongue syndrome. All rights reserved. I stirred the two into my tea and took a sip. Good luck! China is making the chemicals that the USA municipals are adding to our water. Syn: adventivelobe. For questions or concerns about any medical conditions you may have, please contact your doctor. Absolutely Gail, HCG messes with hormones, thyroid is a major hormone which can be affected. Whether it is pus draining into your mouth, or there is an infection in the gum or jawbone, you will also get a bad taste from that. initially, my doctor was alarmed to tell me that my blood work (hemoglobin, hematocrit) was low. Strange. I am in SE Texas. A second opinion never hurts, and this second opinion would be from a specialist in that field. I have been taking synthroid for years, also started taking an iodine supplement. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. A nagging toothache. Also wondering if there is anything other than GERD that can cause your esophagus to be inflamed? Let us know when you feel better. Come to find out, he was a research doctor who said it was from depression and he wanted ot give me magnetic stimulation of the brain and i refused. I HAD SALTY TASTE IN MY MOUTH FOR ALMOST SIX MONTH,THE SALTY TASTE STOP WHEN I STOPPED USING TOOTHPAST WITH BAKING SODA. I now have pounding headaches, blurred vision and lack of energy. I too have recently noticed this sweet, salty and metallic taste in my mouth. To someone else Iodized salt has a metallic taste and can cause a burning sensation in the mouth. A root canal can remove this abscess. Anyone have any ideas? Frontiers in Dental Medicine.2021: 2 -, Daniells S. Probiotic lactobacillus paracasei shows oral health benefits: Study. will also try and cut out tea and coffee. I wish I could. The only thing that has changed is my New Years resolution to cut my usual 1 to 2 glasses of red wine per evening during the week. I hate salt. Mine never got better after the dental work was done though. Chew sugar-free gum or suck on sugar-free candies to stimulate saliva. pleanty of water is perhaps needed to avoid dehydration and cut off ur coffee/tea .alcohol. The endodontist will. This can lead to an imbalance of the natural bacteria inside of your mouth. Trouble chewing or swallowing. If the salivary glands are damaged or aren't producing enough saliva it can affect taste, make chewing and swallowing more difficult, and increase the risk for . can some one please let me know what i can do. My GP was no help, but my dentist cured the problem as follows: This is the strangest thing, after reading everyones comments here it seems its something we are going to just have to live with. It does affect my sleep. The only thing I can attribute this to is the recent dental work I had donehad a crown put on. save your teeth if you can. Could the crackling be caused by galvanic currents I do have dissimilar metals in my mouth - the new crown is zirconium, adjacent teeth have white fillings, and a crown on the other side . Ive had every test under the sun.. blood, iron, thyroid, etc. If this is going to fade and heal, then fine. I wonder if there is something new on the market and this is yet another unknown side effect. One Dr. tells me its my deviated septum. Has anyone else here ever had a sensitivity to metal like that? 10. You may want to see an endontist if you are sure the taste is from the tooth with the root canal (it could be an adjacent tooth) - sometimes there can be seepage or leakage from a canal that still has some infection left in the root tips. The regular tests, tsh, t3 t4 do lnot tell if i have low thyroid or not. It may be the cause but Ive read that after long-term use of SSRI Which I have to take if I want to breathe and not be in constant panic mode, unfortunately long-term usage causes all kinds of problems with thyroid and sinus and Ive accepted that stupid salty taste because I cant stop taking the medication If I stop, this time I wont survive the constant attack on my nervous system so basically I try to drink more water, but i wont stop my coffee in the morning. To further reduce pain and swelling rinse three times a day with warm salt water. They put me on 40mg of prilosec per day + a bland/ clean diet. Others may provide some temporary isolation. Causes of loose fillings There are a number of reasons why a metal filling may be loose. I have tried everything suggested above including various mouthwashes, anti-biotics, cat scan for sinus problem -nothing. I just started having a salty taste in my mouth after having surgery to remove some extra tissue in my throat. 2019, December 12 -, Invernici MM, Salvador SL, Silva PH, et al. I do believe its related to going to a dentists office from reading everyone elses story. I am an athlete how is very health conscious and nutrition oriented, and work out daily. If that dosnt work I suppose ill be thankful i no longer have to dash salt on any of my meals. The adrenals balance salt and potassium in the body. We often tend to experience a persistent salty taste in the mouth. In short, I have attributed this and other health maladies to my dental work. 3 7 Posted: 08/23/07 10:07 i had bad breath and a pus in my mouth, can it be due to the crown and root canal? Just take some mild salt water gargles as recommended above. Doctors have been helpless either.Well, some days ago I tried keeping a bit of olive oil in my mouth severel times a day(gurgling as well) and I swallow it afterwards.Besides I take a zink tablet per day.I drink a lot of tap water,too.The bad taste seems to be leaving me, so I feel much better now. Gets depressing to hear. About this same time I was having headaches and a sore throat. I took protonix and it did not help. THE BAD TASTE IS FROM LEAKAGE IN THE ROOT CANAL NOT BEING SEALED COMPLETELY. I also have high blood pressure and am on two medications for that (the second medication was added that same summer when my doctor saw that my BP was starting to creep up again after being controlled for several years, but I think I was already having the taste alteration thing before the introduction of the new med.) It makes me nauseous, and i have even thrown up from the taste. I had a root canal done 3 days ago. Do take some statin for a mouth disorder (lichen planus) but only occasionally to keep at bay, Also lost a stone and a half in a year without trying! I sometimes have a metallic/salty taste in my mouth and on my tongue and sometimes especially after drinking fizzy pop, which I love, I would be careful if you are taking pai for evaluation and x-ray before the permanent. It equated to fewer smokes, less pain. I know that your circumstances may seem hopeless right now but Please do not quit before the miricle happens. (he's very happy that he did) This is expensive, but if you are going to continue to have problems with taste, etc., it's worth having it pulled and saving the $625 and then at some later time having a tooth implanted. My doctor told me to try some Tylenol for arthritis, which might help me with my plantar fascitis pain, and not give me the broken blood capillaries that I get from ibuprofen. It all falls into the galvanic current issue some foods/liquids are more conductive than others. every day to see if it goes. I couldnt eat or drink any thing cause so bad this infection.. Recently I went to a Gastroenterologist and I had an endoscopy done. I lay in bed a lot and watch movies to take my mind off it. Kindly get your dental and medical check up done if problem persists longer. In the process, I have lost couple of pounds. My salty mouth started about a week ago and I moaned at my wife for using loads of salt (is rather inclined to oversalt) I then realized that the taste was there all the time and on my lips. I have had a metallic taste in my mouth for over a year, i thought it was dental related, but i had deep cleaning, root canal but still have metallic taste. The mostly salty taste now, has persisted. I just basically have the simptoms of someone who is ready to vomit. It seems that drinking tea has an effect, and Im also guessing that eating fish (especially combining with tea) somehow has an effect. Please help, Im experiencing this issue now is the elevated BP causing this? Neither has the intensity of salty taste increased during today. its driving me crazy! Its awful and water makes it worse. Another condition that can result in an odd taste in the mouth is menopause. Bitter medicine placed in tooth after root canal will not fade even post-crown. It's used for teeth that have decay within the pulp. That sounds great so anemia low blood count iron low 6+ surprising benefits of lactobacillus paracasei. Someone told me that Stevia is a good product if you take it directly from the branchanyway thats for nausea, salty taste I cant do anything about and frankly its not that big a deal to me. A root canal can remove this abscess. Bovine bone graft was put in. Gargling with saltwater can help to remove this chemical aftertaste. You may want to see an endontist if you are sure the taste is from the tooth with the root canal (it could be an adjacent tooth) - sometimes there can be seepage or leakage from a canal that still has some infection left in the root tips. The taste after a root canal is caused by the medication, Sodium Hypochlorite (a cleaner and disinfectant) that was used during the root canal procedure leaking out past the temporary filling. I had root filling in a tooth a couple of months ago I mention it only because others (above) see a potential link. I have also been to the dentist who said my teeth look fine. Now like three to four hours later im at home with the same salty taste in my mouth, Im freaking out am i gonna die!!!! Iodine intake can cause metallic taste in the mouth. If I find something that works for me, Ill make another post. is pain bad. I hate this and cant bear it any longer. I recently starting taking Lugols liquid iodine and after just a few days my mouth started tasting salty; potato chips taste extra salty, other food does too. My suggestion is to try a different toothpaste especially if it is a whitening toothpasteor you might try NOT using a mouthwash with your toothpaste for a while. My teeth feel funny after root canal and funny chemical taste in my mouth, is this normal? as soon as that occurred the salty-taste dilemma completely disappeared. It dawned on me last night that it just might, and I had just taken a full Tylenol tablet! One other note, I suspect when you get right down to it that the main culprit is the detergents in toothpastesso if you switch toothpastes try to find a toothpaste that has less laurel sulfates. You say that sherbert covers the taste. I have a salty taste in my mouth since having a wisdom tooth extracted 6 months ago. I has almost made me lose my mind. Doing this can also cause minor bleeding. Until then, I am trying to eat healthy despite the fact that everything tastes a lot like crap. The only other unusual thing that happened that year was that I lost 40-50 lbs., but the loss was gradual over a period of about six months total and was done sensibly, through daily exercise and improved eating habitsno fad stuff, special food or pills, or diet products of any kindonly good eating and lots of hard work : ). is this why? If the pain persists for more than a few days or is severe or intense, it . I have had a salty taste in my mouth/saliva now for the past week. Nerve damage. If your teeth are in good overall health, then you may be able to get braces. The doctors have done all test and tried different kinds of medicine. taking a mouth freshening chewing gum perhaps it may help. Yuck.I only get that when I have an upset stomach and am going to throw up. I also feel like I have a pill stuck in my throat and chest pain. So you will be facing possible pain, swelling, Are you taking supplemental iodine. Conclusion. One of the most likely causes of a metal taste in the mouth is a loose filling. I told my wife they must have had sweetened tea in both containers, and then I put extra sweetener in mine, because it was REALLY sweet! I ended up in the emergency room because my blood pressure went off the scale extrememly high.I told the doctors the salty taste in my mouth they looked at me like I had three heads. You may notice a quick change in your mouth over a week or two. This is really weird, I have had the same thing happen to me and now my mouth is dry and if i9 try to eat my belly gets upset reel bad and my mouth is salty all the time and I am swooshing nystatin in my mouth and it dont work so now I got to find out what this is. This generally is caused by the medication that was used during the root canal procedure leaking out past the temporary filling. 1 y You may even have a bad taste in your mouth. Do not copy or redistribute in any form! God bless. Someone told me it could actually be the metals in the crown I am tasting. Many teeth feel "different" for a while after root canal therapy. Sticky mouth all the time. Aint life grand! My adrenals are pumping to much . Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. I don,t know if I did it or it just happened because everything at once. So in this case, Iodoral and fear combined to produce the same or nearly the same effect; thats the most likely explanation. The taste is so bad at this point I can't stand it and the dentist says he has grown to attached to saving this tooth to remove it. Thanks a lot of Allah. The main factor that will affect whether or not you can get braces after a root canal is the state of your teeth. Before I had the cleaning I had been actually experiencing dry mouth and told the hygienist that because I was wondering if it could be Sjogrens since I already have fibromyalgia. Dr. Gary Sandler answered Dentistry 56 years experience Bitter taste: You need to discuss this with your own dentist. It is so miserable living like this. But drinking anything other than Soda is like drinking sea water mixed in. With proper treatment, a tooth abscess doesn't normally get too severe. Could it possibly be related to nerve endings? 2022, January 14 -, Schlagenhauf U, Jockel-Schneider Y. Probiotics in the management of gingivitis and periodontitis. If it persists I will see a doctor and get checked for H. pylori (bacteria). But more importantly, I have a constant crackling in my ear. 1)short course of antibiotics to clear any infection This is bizarre, but then so are the other things that are happening to me that no one can explain. no relief and the issue persisted. Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Pain is going away. A root canal could be required if there's swelling around the tooth. I also stopped all caffeine, acidy foods, cinnamon and mint. I have lichen planus (an autoimmune disorder of the mouth). An oral surgeon operated on it and took out the core. It was not cancerous. possible infection still present? Sensitivity while chewing and biting. im too young to die! i knew why. I am so torn at this point as to having a tooth removed because of this awful taste that won't go away. Last week I had a flare up which caused ulceration of the tongue and cheeks (as usual). SelfDecode Supplements. Four days ago I began taking alpha lipoic acid, iron and zinc. A pimple like bump can develop on gum in mouth, above or below tooth. Bitter medicine placed in tooth after root canal will not fade even post-crown. Hello ! I have lost 10 pounds, also. This has been reported as a common side effect to an abcesssed tooth. According to the Mayo Clinic, the most common causes of abscesses at the root of your tooth are: Improper dental hygiene; Injury; Prior dental treatment (including after a root canal) You're more likely to develop an abscessed tooth and a resulting fistula if you have an improper dental routine, a diet high in sugar, or suffer from dry mouth. Sometimes it takes on a sweet taste if i eat something sweet. Cannot possibly diagnose the cause of your problem over the Until you get the root canal done you will have an infection. Your body may have a salty taste because of any nutritional deficiency. so if you have the problem it could be explained by an iron deficiency or a low blood count. A root canal treatment can save your tooth and stop further decay and infection. Frankly, I wouldn't trust a dentist who told me the tooth was "fine" when I was having the problem you are having. $. Posts: 3,232. Diet: MorningA glass of water, decaf tea, small bowl of oatmeal with milk (not cream) and brown sugar. After having a bad chest/cold virus because I have COPD/Asthma my doctor put me on steroids for 14 days, and I use Symbicort (an inhaled steroid). Has anyone had this experience with there blood pressure escalating off the scales? Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. Root canal 5days ago. After a root canal there is usually little to worry about, certainly if the procedure was completed properly. We encourage you to inform your physician of changes you make to your lifestyle and discuss these with him or her. the concurring sinus drip could be coincidence then The standard thyroid tests tell nothing. I smoke, and take daily multivitamines, and Omega 3, I have a good apetite , what could be wrong? Abscess is a type of infection in which the infection spreads to the gums. If you see a Dentist every 6 months, and never neglect your dental health, then you will never need a root canal. In my case, my dentist squeezed me in the next day to put a temporary crown on, over the old filling. Algas did the trick. I am happy I am not alone. lunch: green salad with vinegrette dressing, a cup of vegetable soup, 2 glasses of water. Licking some ginger root powder periodically may relieve salty tongue. Feels like I have bits of salt lumps in my mouth. vit c also helps and its perhaps the bad teeth bacteria which could be an annoying cause. 2023 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. Saliva also keeps the mouth clean and healthy because it contains antibodies that kill germs. what's in it, will it go away? An other Dr says its my adrenals. Journal of Arak University of Medical Sciences. Bacteria Leave an Unpleasant Smell The site of an infection, no matter where it is on your body, will give off an unpleasant odour. A pocket of pus (like a large pimple) on your gum line near the affected tooth. It seems that when I have the salty taste really worse than usually my blood pressure goes up.