faded away. _____________________________ presently answer. It is directly south of Walker Lake. The pictures appear to show a Type 093 nuclear-powered attack submarine enter a tunnel to an underground entrance located on Yulin Naval Base. is a $13 million tunnel boring machine (TBM) used for tunneling 4. demonstration cost of $100 million over an eight-year period The nuclear subterrene (rhymes with 'submarine') was designed at the Some of these responses appear to be knowledgeable sources. The A.A. Mathews Construction capital rather than labor intensive system. A tunnel-boring machine could be lowered into the shaft in pieces and then assembled to bore out more tunnels, including one for a small modular nuclear reactor much like those used at Camp Century in Greenland and McMurdo Base in Antarctica. It was built by base employees, four holes at first, and then two at a time until the ninth hole was completed 30 years ago. John Lear was in the plane (photographing the location). (it is postulated by some that an ancient land-mass which some believe may have been connected to what is now California, broke off and sunk into the ocean during an ancient cataclysm Branton). The first patent, in 1972 went to Last Tuesday I drove from Reno to Las Vegas after attending the Bay Area UFO Expo. (We are deleting this section due to the possibility of undue stress and fear which may result from its disclosure. California. Gila Mountain Area, south of Interstate 8 and approx. *********************************** In 1915, the F-class submarines F-class submarines were stationed Naval Station Pearl Harbor, also not designated a submarine base. It is found throughout the vast majority of the planet. Did the A.A. Mathews study represent part of the The underground Pasha Liman Base submarine base of the Albanian navy in the Adriatic coast, a secret military facility also built during the Cold War. John Lear : I know that there was a secret NAVY base at Lake Tahoe, at least there was in 1983. The main base for the Northern Fleet is located in Sverdimirsk, Russia. In 1998-1999, the facility was used to destroy the U.S. stockpile of. Some of the caverns (in S. California) are topped with oil while some others are filled with gases believed to approximate our atmosphere (in very ancient times). It is then circulated back along the exterior of The town of Hawthorne, Nevada harbors a big 18-mile x 8-mile lake called Walker Lake. Theres very little hype in Austins report; the bulk of it is taken up with documentation of tunneling methods and mining operations conducted under the sea floor. In 1995 Day & Zimmermann/Basil Corporation, Radnor, Pennsylvania, was awarded a $5,487,390 modification to a cost plus award fee contract for the operation and maintenance of a government owned/contractor operated facility. analysis of the nuclear subterrene. Where is everybody? we asked the manager. soil, actually vitrifying it as they go, and leaving a neat, solidly too. I told her that I hadnt had time to take a picture and that I was just happened to be leaving at that moment. There are 2 routes from Monterey Bay south of San Francisco to the submarine base under Hawthorne. What do you think? But. trains that have speeds up to Mach 2. Well after Zorgon and me found that plasma nuclear reactor at Aristarchus on the moon Ill believe anything. In 1980, HWAAP was redesigned as a government-owned contractor-operated facility. Most tunneling activity is under USS Nevada (SSBN-733) is a United States Navy Ohio -class ballistic missile submarine that has been in commission since 1986. NOTE (clarification): I believe the secret Navy Base at Lake Tahoe exists because a Navy SEAL freind of mine, who would have definately been in a position to know, told me it was there. Lake tahoe is 1600 feet deep and it would be interesting if anySEA SALTcould be detected in the water.. A penalty of 30 percent was found Mr. Lear I mentioned to her that I was just going to take a picture of the sign which was less than ten feet from the highway. They Branton) submarine commander, who according to him, spent many years in the waters off California. He stated that the caverns do NOT exist. machine gouges out as it bores through the ground or rock. The 1972 patent makes this clear. Driving on interstate 40 I cant help but wonder how many undiscovered holes there are in the desert. A court of inquiry investigating the explosion recommended that a depot be established in a remote area within 1,000miles (1,600km) of the west coast to serve the Pacific area. for melting the kerf and liner material is provided by a compact Examples of present-day submarine bases include HMNB Clyde, le Longue (the base for France's Force ocanique stratgique), Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Naval Submarine Base New London, and Rybachiy Nuclear Submarine Base (near Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky).. INS Vajrabahu and INS Satavahana are the submarine . In 1984, after nearly 50 years without a major mishap, one of the storage bunkers exploded. Submarine bases are military bases that offer good fleet anchorage and are designed to refuel and resupply submarines. Subterranean structures gone to waste From covert bases to hidden defenses, read on as we take a tour of some stunning, and secret, abandoned underground structures that governments built. thermal melting a boundary kerf into the tunnel face and forming The following was written by Richard Sauder, PhD, adapted from his book Underground Bases and Where is everybody? we asked the manager. Impossible? The sub was eventually transformed into a museum at Rhode Island and eventually . My sources tell me that the area you speak of is serviced by the high speed ( supersonic) mag trains that crisscross the country. Maybe there is some kind of access from the surface of the desert within the area occupied by the Naval Undersea Warfare Center. close to those for TBMs, if operating conditions for TBMs are A WELL-KNOWN U.S. nuclear submarine lost its way in these passages and disappeared forever. Consider a physically secure data center, with free cooling, in an industrial park beneath the sea . Busted Mugshots New Hanover County. compared to current methods. reply posted on 2-9-2007 @ 10:59 PM by MountainStar The depot began its existence as the Hawthorne Naval Ammunition Depot (NAD). These often follow seams and drifts underground as they continue offshore. ************************************, More Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America's. The rock-melting drill Austin of the China Lake Naval Ordnance Test Station proposed the Rock-Site concept: manned undersea installations excavated into the rock of the seafloor. military tunnels in the United States. The wildest claims relative to the area have stated that alien lifeforms are being released there Deep Springs Lake has been probed and it appears bottomless. Security for the 3,000 bunkers at NAD was provided by the U.S. Marine Corps. I dont know if these are actual tunnels or whether they represent routes under the ocean to and from Hawthorne from Monterey Bay. are basically large cities underground connected by high-speed magneto-leviton I would very much like more information on this topic. The abstract describes: A tunneling machine for producing John also spoke of a vast underground train and tunnel system used by the Military. He said it was "unusual that a commercial satellite would be overhead at just the right time" on a cloudless day. By 1950 nearly 2,500 people still lived in government housing at nearby Babbitt, but even as the Korean War broke out, the boom was over. It is a shame the US spends more on it's military then it does on education. deflecting the molten materials against the tunnel walls to Hawthorne Army Depot is located in the west central part of Nevada close to the California state line. In 1977, that number had been reduced to 117; security is contracted to a private company. Improbable? A number of patents were filed by scientists at Los Alamos, a few federal technical documents were written - and then the whole thing just sort of faded away. made by the nuclear subterrenes described in these patents. Several books have been written provide, when solidified, a continuous liner; and fragmenting They have laser-drilling circulates back to the reactor where the whole cycle starts over. The United States Navy built permanent and temporary submarine bases around the world to maintain its fleet of submarines and serve the needs of the crews. careful reader will note that all of these patents were obtained by Maybe those lost subs found passage to the inner earth and decided to stay there rather then come back or maybe they where captured who knows but its fun to think about it. Underground Bases listed by State ARIZONA 1. It goes down seven levels and over 2.5 miles deep. A short time later Steve Fossettturns up missing. The story does sound a bit fantastic but I have no reason to doubt the man. According to one legend, it wasnt merely hydrophones the Navy ran from Point Sur, but submarines themselves based in giant man-made caverns dug into the rock. This means tunnels of 40 ft. or more in diameter. Anybody doing pre-deployment training for Afghanistan should be coming to China Lake, he said. It was established in 1941. And yet a third patent was issued to the United States Energy Tunnels, Systems and Cost Analysis for a INDIA'S UNDERGROUND SUBMARINE BASE & 20 NEW SUBMARINES: TOP 5 FACTSPROJECT VARSHAIntroduction:A new naval base being developed under Project Varsha for the I. var sc_security="2d1f75fb"; Underground Bases and Gotrox : Very interesting John. The USS Fulton, commissioned on 7 December 1914, was the first of the Fulton-class submarine tenders. Commander John W. Harvey, USN, with a total of 129 men (comprised of the crew, civilian technicians, and observers) disappeared without explanation. I wouldnt dough the possibility of 200 mile+ underground river and channels. hollow out more than 13 deep underground military bases in the United I believe one is used for each direction, one going in and one coming out. Melting Antarctica Ice Reveals UFO Underwater Base. She is the fourth ship of the U.S. Navy to be named for Nevada, the 36th state. And it evokes a mysteryone involving secret underground naval bases, high-tech submarines and Cold War nuclear brinkmanship. The nuclear subterrene (rhymes with 'submarine') was designed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, in New Mexico. The U.S. Marine Corps actually already uses another underground bunker complex in Norway, near the city of Trondheim, to store vehicles and other equipment to support rapid deployments. It is noteworthy in the first place that the government Austin realized that even with mid-1960's technology, it would be possible to sink a wide shaft into the sea floor, seal and drain it, then use it as a staging area for further excavation. The submarine tender allowed the submarine to operate at its patrol area long, operating out of advanced bases in the field. ' The club house is a favorite meeting place for local decision-makers. Lake Tahoe is 6200 ft. above mean sea level. [7] There are two different modes of transportation. Or so it would seem. site.) Also, because of recent international events which may have resulted in a solution to this problem. I didnt know they were Navy, though now you mention it, it makes sense. Is there a vast underground sea under California and Nevada with tributary rivers running in various directions? We would probably have to have to separate channels, one for each direction of travel. A short time later Steve Fossettturns up missing. Below is a chart on which I have drawn two lines representing these channels between Monterey Bay and Hawthorne. However, the depot was subsequently dropped from the BRAC list, and thus will continue to operate. initial support and final lining in conjunction with the The Navys efforts to recover a lost hydrogen bomb off the coast of Spain that year and the loss of the attack sub USS Thresher three years before had brought new funding and discipline to deep submergence systems. I dont know. The kerf is the outside boundary of the tunnel wall that a boring In the absence of information fantasy takes winger, finbut nearly 50 years later C.F. supplied by a compact nuclear reactor. In Wonders how many disappeared, before it was fenced off? She responded vehemently in the negative. In 1928 directed the establishment of a Board of Officers to provide oversight of the storage conditions of explosives. The problem is (temporarily) being rectified by water injectioni.e. Would you believe Patents filed by Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Department of Energy for three Atomic TBMs? USS. Below is a chart on which I have drawn two lines representing these channels between Monterey Bay and Hawthorne. And because the terrain is so rugged, he added, the trip often involves a flat tire or two. Trona, CA, 35 45.5 N 1 7722.6 W -several miles northwest of Trona, directly under . If a submarine where to make 33 knots the trip would take about five and a half hours. boring its way deep underground. var sc_invisible=1; Some of them look exactly like Afghan aqueducts.. Nuclear submarines arrive at bases for crew change, resupply and repairs. At the same time, mechanical tunnel the tunnel core circumscribed by the kerf by thermal stress The tunnels are so spread out that the job takes a full day. During its existence, Babbitt was assigned the ZIP code of 89416. In 1975 the National Science Foundation commissioned another cost It is uncertain whether the retired Navy Officer who John J. Williams spoke of was referring to the THRESHER or the SCORPION, although the disappearance of the Thresher probably caused more publicity at the time. is a transportation system connecting underground installations together. On April 10, 1963 (according to official reports) the Thresher, under the command of Lt. kerry@projectcamelot.org Reports are: theres a large subterranean river which plunges, into an abyss. 3150 N 1100 19'48" W, saucer base below, intelligence training above, mind-control incl. Then..the ONI removed the evidence of the crashed aircraft. The lake is about 18 miles long and about 8 miles wide the longer axis running north and south. These mines span an area of approximately 75 square miles and presently employ some 4,100 men in the undersea workings., Among the benefits of Rock-Site, Austin noted its immunity to weather and currents, its shirt-sleeve environment and its (very) controlled access. Kings Bay is the main submarine base for the US Navy. 1981: A UFO Base Beneath The Sierra Bermeja Range In S.W. stories of deep, secret, glass-walled tunnels excavated by laser The Yulin base, on the southern end of Hainan Island almost 300 miles (470 kilometers) southwest of Hong Kong, is one of China's key facilities to protect its naval assets. WOW! concluded that nuclear subterrene tunneling machines (NSTMs) would The actual words of this woman, who was interviewed by Will Carson and Jeannie Joy two writers devoted to pursuing strange events shortly after the Thresher incident, were as follows: My husband was on the submarine Thresher when it disappeared. A number of patents So it would seem. Checking with gravity anomaly maps proved that there are large cavities under the ground in that area. Chapter 36 - The Final Invasion of the U.S.?? It used to read Naval Undersea Warfare Training Center. I do not know if these stories are true. some of its heat. Fort Collins- base for Gray aliens 41. 1940's. There are many rumors of secret SCORPION. Day & Zimmermann Hawthorne Corporation (DZHC) is the current operating contractor. More Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the Americas, The Secrets of the Mojave: Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality, 2015: According to the Macuxi Indians of the Amazon: Theres An Entire World Inside Our Planet, 1992: Underground Bases in Southern California. Just pick up the phone and call the DOE or Los Alamos just be prepared to answer WHY you want to know, The documents are all here if your afraid the site will bite too bad its where I store all the data and can organize it at MY expense and not use other peoples bandwidth, More Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America's. Or did it? And it evokes a mystery one involving secret underground naval bases, high-tech submarines and Cold War nuclear brinkmanship. satisfied that the thing in question actually works! machines that can drill a tunnel seven miles long in one day. Theologically speaking, the possibility of a long-distance connection or communion on a deep, emotional level between a husband and a wife should not necessarily be consigned to the realm of the occult or psychic phenomena. 150 feet? (Excuse me if my directions are off, I have a very small map to look at and Hawthorne isnt even on the same page as Uinta Basin and Dulce. That is why the Mega Search turned up NOTHING. I took care of John Fialla, who was best friends with Phil Schneider. Submarine bases are military bases that offer good fleet anchorage and are designed to refuel and resupply submarines. I helped If we run across a Park Ranger maybe he/she will answer a few questions or Not "When we went out to sea, we took nuclear warheads on board and were ready to use them if ordered to," he said.