Did you know that a boat was found right by Mt. or more . The word is unrelated to the North American animal known as the gopher.[1]. From what little you have written, I detect some knowledge that is well worth sharing, but your lack of punctuation makes your comments very hard to understand. What sort of strategies would a medieval military use against a fantasy giant? According to King James` Bible, God told Noah: "make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark; and shall pitch it within and without pitch.". 'Gopher' wood is not a botanical category. Genesis 6:14 states that Noah was to build the Ark of gofer (Hebrew: ), more commonly transliterated as gopher wood, a word not otherwise known in the Bible or in Hebrew. To answer your Question # 1, take account that the wood of cypress possesses two main characteristics: In some cases, we need to consider whether these guesses are influenced by the unbiblical assumptions that the flood was merely a regional event and that Noah built the ark in the same region in which it landed. There are some archaeologists who say that gopher may have referred to a lamination process which was done to improve the stability of the wood due to the extreme size and weight of the ark. cover it inside and outside with pitch. Since the Bible does not provide enough information for us to make such a determination, we simply have no way of knowing what gopher wood is today. Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? Privacy Policy and How long did it take Noah to build the ark? Thus, it would be consistent to view the trees of gopher as a reference to the type of tree being used for the arks construction rather than a reference to some sort of process or treatment performed on the lumber. instance in the eleventh century B.C. Recently, a creationist publication repeated this notion that gopher and gofrit are related. Radial axis transformation in polar kernel density estimate, How to handle a hobby that makes income in US. For example, 1 Kings 10:27 mentions both cedar and sycamore. More information about Gopherwood may be found here.. How did Biblical translators decide on cypress for the type of wood in Noah's ark? Perhaps the LXX translators were privy to reliable sources to support this interpretation, but such materials are not available to researchers today. We have received several inquiries of this nature. Some researchers believe the word gopher doesn't refer to a species of wood at all; rather, it refers to a process utilized to prepare the wood in the ark's construction. Answer (1 of 14): Gopher wood it thought to be not a particular type of wood but the way the wood was used, today we have block board, which is strips of wood overlaid with plywood, we also have ply wood sheets, Gopher wood is thought to be the technique used to fasten the wood or hold it togethe. It is from. Relation between transaction data and transaction id, AC Op-amp integrator with DC Gain Control in LTspice. When we started building the Ark Encounter, people frequently asked, Are you building the Ark out of the same thing Noah did? I would typically respond by saying, Yes, wood. They would inevitably follow up with a clarification. ; it is a member of the yew family (Taxaceae) . Was God's sign in His covenant with Noah something other than a rainbow? Pick up the scripture in Genesis 6:14 "Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch." I would like to show 4 aspects of Noah's ark for us to think about and, once again, to make things easier to remember I will let each thought begin with the letter "S". They weigh a few hundred grams (1 lb. Thiruvananthapuram: Found only in some parts of the world is gopher tree, which Biblical patriarch Noah used to make the famous ark on God`s command to survive the great deluge. I can only hope that people would say that about me! We remember the story: A great flood was coming . shittim wood, in the Bible, wood of the shittah tree, probably an acacia, from which the Ark of the Covenant and furniture of the Tabernacle were made. The -it ending is not a Hebrew suffix: it is part of the word. It is a species of tree that grows only in Blountstown Florida. In 2020, the Institute for Creation Research acknowledged that, despite many expeditions, Noahs Ark had not been found and is unlikely to be found. It stated that Gopher lifts performance over current state-of-the-art language models across roughly 81% of tasks containing comparable results. Please take our Tour to find out what we look for in well-researched answers: Welcome, Kambang kalu. This means that Noahs Ark was around half the length and one-quarter of the height of the worlds largest cruise ship, Symphony of the Seas, which is 1,184 feet long and 238 feet high. Genesis 6:14 states that Noah was to build the Ark of gofer (Hebrew: ), more commonly transliterated as gopher wood, a word not otherwise known in the Bible or in Hebrew. Noahs story is without question one of the most amazing ever told. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Gpher is actually a root of the word or gophrth, which is translated seven times in the Old Testament as brimstone in the context of Gods fiery judgment on human wickedness.2 Examples would be Genesis 19:24: Then the LORD rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah; and Psalm 11:6: Upon the wicked He will rain coals; fire and brimstone and a burning wind shall be the portion of their cup., The New Testament Greek equivalent of gophrth is , or theion, and just like in the Old Testament its used exactly seven times within the context of Gods judgment on wickednessa remarkable mathematical coincidence.3 The number seven represents completion, perfection, and veracity, as noted in the seven-day creation week and in Psalm 12:6: The words of the LORD are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. The number seven is even used in reference to Gods displeasure of humanitys sinful traits, as stated in Proverbs 6:16: These six things the LORD hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him. But even more intriguing is that the biblical use of the Greek word theion is essentially the same as the similar word , or theo, which means sulphur and can be used interchangeably with the word brimstone.. Why did Noah release a raven? Advertisement Techopedia Explains Gopher Gopher was designed to access a Web server or database via the Internet. The team claims to have found in 2007 and 2008 seven large wooden compartments buried at 13,000 feet (4,000 meters) above sea level, near the peak of Mount . Why was Abraham required to bring three year old offerings/sacrifices in Genesis 15:7? Answers in Depth explores the biblical worldview in addressing modern scientific research, history, current events, popular media, theology, and much more. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. 13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. It turns out that the identity of the wood itself, not mentioned anywhere else in the Bible, remains a puzzle to be answered. 1,500: Number of people the ark can hold. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. When considering the wonders of the Bible, the account of Noah and the Ark is always among the first that people think of. This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Crosswalk.com. gopher vs. groundhog The New King James is used in the quoted text, but the words are separated for textual accuracy. q[uod]. This works notably in knowledge-intensive . No, I mean, are you building it out of gopher wood?. Many of us can recall the image of Noah and the Ark from our childhood. There are about 35 species of gopher, all found in Central and North America. It could be a good material for different home accessories as well as home accents. The truth is, we are not presently capable of identifying gopher wood with any degree of certainty, and there is a possibility that gopher wood referred to a kind of tree that is now extinct. This is the final exhortation in Christs And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient. (2 Timothy 2:24) What is biblical gopher wood? The article proceeds to build on this mistaken claim to proclaim that God included deep spiritual truths about his judgment and protection in the arks building materials of gopher wood and pitch. Gopher wood is a type of wood that is typically found in North America. . Its the sulphur-bearing lignins that form the fundamental structural basis of all hardwood trees used for lumber products. Newsletter 5842-004 The Second & Third Curse. 1) what kind of properties did the Gopher wood possess that would have caused it to be preferred for the salvation of eight souls from a flood. Answer 1Gopher wood is only mentioned once in the Bible- it was the word used for the wood that made up Noah's Ark. Pocket gophers are medium-sized rodents that range in length from 5 to 14 inches. Kids, discover fun facts about Gods creation Meet our Donor Relations team led by Director Charles (Chas) Morse. The latter was a small box, while the former was a massive ship. Pine wood, as well as most evergreen woods, tend to burn the hottest. See Segraves, p. 14,000: Number of trees it took to build the ark. Brimstone is used in the final judgment which is eternal and unending. And then scientists drilled down and figured out the boat was the exact proportions mentioned in Genesis. Make yourself an ark of gopherwood; make rooms in the ark, and Gopher wood or gopherwood is a term used once in the Bible for the substance from which Noah's ark was built. Acacia trees were used as raw material for the construction of the Tabernacle and for the building of its utensils: the Ark of the Covenant, the Altar and the Table and the Pillars of the Curtain. The Gopher file system is a single collection of all Gopher servers in the world. Answer: Pine wood. Gopher wood or gopherwood is a term used once in the Bible for the material used to construct Noah's ark. Tbh, a word so archaic that scholars neither know its derivation, nor even to what language it belongs. Found only in some parts of the world is gopher tree, which Biblical patriarch Noah used to make the famous ark on God`s command to survive the great deluge. For example, the word translated in English as ark is , but this same word is used in the Greek New Testament to speak of the ark of the covenant (Hebrews 9:4, Revelation 11:19). Do not simply take my word for it. There were different kinds of wood that could have served this purpose but God was specific about Gopher wood. Newsletter 5842-001 The Torah of the Bondservant. Biologists know that gophers are found primarily in North America. Gopher wood or gopherwood is a term used once in the Bible for the substance from which Noahs ark was built. Attempts to identify gopher wood as cypress or any other known tree, based on Noah's supposed location, ignore the fact that the flood destroyed the entire face of the earth. Consequently, these points fall flat, but they are addressed here because they attempt to describe characteristics of gopher wood. Both the Ark and Noah serve as foreshadowing types of Christ, and much has been written about them in this respect.4. This was to be made from a particular type of wood: gopher wood. Genesis 6:14 states that Noah was to build the Ark of gofer (Hebrew: ), more commonly transliterated as gopher wood, a word not otherwise known in the Bible or in Hebrew. Where did the wood for the Ark Encounter come from? go'-fer wood (`atse ghopher): The wood from which Noah's ark was made ( Genesis 6:14 ). From the latter variant (through a consonantal commutation G > K) - with a very good chance - were derived the Greek term (cypress) and, consequently, from here, the posterior (?) Genesis 6:14 Context. The very materials used in the construction of the Ark not only convey protection from the judgment of the floodwaters but a deeper layer of meaning in the protection against a sulphurous fiery judgment in the afterlife. Make yourself an ark of gopher-wood [1]. Specifically, Noah is commanded, Make yourself an ark of gopher wood.1. The first mention of the word gopher woodin the Bibleis within the book of Genesisand it reads Godtold Noahto build an ark(a huge box-shaped vessel) of "gopher wood". Although this is an unlikely explanation, these supposed gopher trees are treasured and protected as possible descendants of the biblical wood. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA, and the Google Expect to take at least three to four hours to get through the arks exhibits. What is gopher wood? Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese, Difficulties with estimation of epsilon-delta limit proof. In other words, we have the symbolic act of a high priest making atonement for the sins of the peopleinsulating and protecting them from judgment. Near the bottom of the Lynx window, the prompt "URL to open:" will appear. Latin term cupressus, of identical meaning. Recent suggestions have included a lamination process (to strengthen the Ark), or a now-lost type of tree, but there is no consensus. It occurs only once in the Bible. The term "Gopher wood" was used in the Hebrew Bible only once, and it related to the construction of Noah's Ark. Some woods work well for the ships hull, while others are used for support structures, deck planking, and other featuresyet all would be sulphur-bearing tree kinds. And most likely this wood is also beautiful because it was specifically chosen by God. How long did it take to build Noahs Ark? At the moment, we have no way of knowing if the timbers squared of the LXX are correct translations of the Hebrew text. Live Trapping Gophers - Mousetrap Monday Shawn Woods 1.78M subscribers Subscribe 27K Share 1.6M views 2 years ago Amazing video footage of a. They are translated, commonly, with gopher (wood), pitch (it), and tar (or, pitch, again), respectively. Gopher tree can be cypress or any of the following: cedar, pine, ebony, fir, wicker, juniper, acacia, bulrushes, and boxwood. Even though we might think of conceptual connections between homonyms and other words that look to be related, we must be careful about infusing words with spiritual significance if the text does not warrant it. this link. Yet the obvious question is this: if there are other mentions of Cypress wood in the Bible, why is a different and otherwise unknown word used here? The word gopher is unique in that it is not a translation, but a transliteration. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! You can also sign up for our free print newsletter (US only). A related and similar word used for pitch, , or kpher, most often describes the covering payment of a ransom for ones life or that of an entire village. As stated by Tony Evans, obedience in the midst of evil should be the supreme goal and desire of Gods people (The Tony Evans Bible commentary, p. 64). TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions. It is estimated there were 600,000 Torreya trees living in the Apalachicola River Valley during the early 1800s. Who prepares rain for the earth, We know that the ark was bigger than a rowboat, but smaller than the Titanic. He was to destroy the world using a flood. It is clear that the world outside the ark was utterly devastated (Genesis 6:17), so this could be a tree that simply ceased to exist in a post-flood world. The word woodchuck is simply another name for a groundhog. In this case, nouns based on the verb to cover (kaphar) can be formed to refer to anything that covers something else. The article went on to make the following claim about gopher wood: As shown above, there is no justification for linking gopher with brimstone, and so the entire discussion about its supposed connection with sulfur is unwarranted. Where Is Gopher Wood Found. When you eat eggsboiled, poached, as omelets, or otherwisedo you discard the eggshells? How many trees did it take to build the Ark? Different translations use different words for it, primarily gopher wood (KJV, ESV), or Cypress wood (NIV, NLT). Gophers are not in the squirrel family, they are in an entirely different family of rodents known as Geomyidae, which includes the beaver. The massive passenger liner measured in at 882 feet and 9 inches long, weighed 46,328 gross tons and had a 2,453-passenger capacity, making it the largest ship afloat at the time it set sail in 1912. Groundhogs are native to North America, and they prefer wooded areas close to more open. Given the great depth of Gods wisdom in Scripture, the scientific truth of sulphur-bearing lignified plant tissue yields profound insight into His eternal purposes in judgment and redemption. The King James Version correctly separates gopherwood into two words: gopher wood that represents two different Hebrew words as discussed above. Which would support the scientific idea of "Pangea". Terms of Service apply. It was developed at University of Minnesota and is named after the school's mascot. How could it possibly be the root of the feminine noun gofrit? That is, Noah was to make it out of trees of gopher., Finally, this article discussed the Hebrew terms translated as the pitch that Noah was to use to cover the ark (Genesis 6:14) and stated that the words are related to each other. To go to a Gopher address using the Lynx browser, hit the "g" key on your keyboard. 1 pages 3-11; along with the following WEBlink htpps://aroyking.wordpress.com/2009/10/31/the-connection-between-halloween-and-the-great-flood/), Come away, come away, death, "Gopher" in the KJV is simply a transcription of Hebrew . 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved Schinopsis brasiliensis: A species of flowering plant in the cashew family, this tree originates in Brazil and ranks #2 with a toughness of 4,800 lbf. The currently accepted scientific name of Florida torreya is Torreya taxifolia Arn. Everything about this passage is simply amazing: the flood, the animals, and the faithfulness of one man and his family amongst all the peoples of the earth. Some things are simply unknowable this side of eternity. Genesis 6:14 states that Noah was instructed to build the Ark of gofer (.mw-parser-output .script-hebrew,.mw-parser-output .script-Hebr{font-family:"SBL Hebrew","SBL BibLit","Taamey Ashkenaz","Taamey Frank CLM","Frank Ruehl CLM","Ezra SIL","Ezra SIL SR","Keter Aram Tsova","Taamey David CLM","Keter YG","Shofar","David CLM","Hadasim CLM","Simple CLM","Nachlieli",Cardo,Alef,"Noto Serif Hebrew","Noto Sans Hebrew","David Libre",David,"Times New Roman",Gisha,Arial,FreeSerif,FreeSans}), commonly transliterated as gopher wood, a word not otherwise used in the Bible or the Hebrew language in general. How long was Noah on the ark. Gopher. The 3.3 million board feet of wood was harvested from as far away as Oregon and British Columbia. Also, I wonder if the word for 'bitter water' in Moses' account is 'mara', and not the female name, 'Maria'? Modern scientists report that the Torreya once lived across North America and is one of the oldest known tree species on earth. These four words are commonly translated as pitch (Genesis 6:14), bribe or ransom (Exodus 21:30), henna blossoms (Song of Solomon 1:14), and open village (1 Samuel 6:18). Internet Explorer is no longer supported. Once it was constructed, Noah herded the worlds animals, two by two, into the bowels of his vessel, where he tended to them until the flood receded. 11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. Did the Bible copy the Flood account from other myths and legends? There is a large number of plants and trees that may have become extinct since the time of Noah. No one really knows what Gopher wood was, as the name has . An example would be Exodus 30:10: And Aaron shall make atonement upon [the altars] horns once a year with the blood of the sin offering of atonement.4. Newsletter 5842-002 The Prophesies of Abraham. English? One thing we can know for sure is that gopher wood doesnt have anything to do with the little mammals we call gophers. Likewise, if you eat trout or turkey, do you recycle Scientific evidence for evolution is utterly lacking. What kind of trees were used to build the Ark? Genesis 6:14 states that Noah was to build the Ark of gofer (Hebrew: ), more commonly transliterated as gopher wood, a word not otherwise known in the Bible or in Hebrew. what language is "gopthrith"? Similarly, the verbal form has to do with moving to the opposite side of something. Reflecting on an Ancient Mystery. For example, each thief crucified with Jesus had his own cross (John 19:3132), and Jesus said that each of his followers should take up his cross daily (Luke 9:23). We can certainly view the ark as a picture of salvation in that it shows us Gods protection from judgmentthe ark provided temporary protection from physical death while Christs cross provides eternal salvation for those who believe in him. 10 Reasons God Might Not Be Blessing Your Life, Inspiring Mother Breaks Down after Earning Golden Buzzer with Celine Dion Hit, 7 Things that Will Keep Me from Coming Back to Your Church, 6 Truths about Jesus Coming into the World, 9 Christians You Don't Want to Sit Beside on Sunday Morning, 10 Things You Should Know about the Intermediate State of Death, 'You Raise Me Up' Duet Earns A Standing Ovation From The Judges, 7 Things I Would Do Differently if I Were Raising My Children Again. Instead of being translated as "Praise God," this word has been left for us to sound out as it would be in the original Hebrew and continues to be a powerful expression of praise. This is further borne out by the fact that the word in 1 Samuel 6:18 appears to be an alternate spelling of the term found in Joshua 18:24, 1 Chronicles 27:25, and Song of Solomon 7:12. "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" ( John 20:29 ). Although it is taken from the Latin word crux, it has developed into a verb, noun, and adjective in English with several different meanings for each. What was Noah thinking when he sent a raven from the ark? But no one actually knows where on the pre -Flood Earth the ark was built, and how that is related to the post -Flood world, so that is really no help. As much reclaimed timber was used as possible, including a few of the 50-foot Engelmann spruce logs at the Arks center. It was mentioned in Genesis 6:14 when God commanded Noah to make yourself an ark of gopher wood. God also sent Noah specific instructions about the size and the dimensions of the ark and when it was finished, He commanded that Noah keep a pair of every animal on earth. Gopher is the Hebrew word translated cypress wood in the NIV. In fact, there are 13 species of gophers in the United States and three main groups or genera within this region. Do polish your answer up a bit! According to legend, Noah loaded two of every animal onto a 150-meter long ark to save them from apocalyptic flooding. The Bible (Genesis 6:15) says, Noah, as ordered by Lord, made the ark out of gopher wood on which he and his kin and some of earth`s fauna outlived the great flood that submerged the planet. Like many types of wood, acacia is naturally antibacterial, and is therefore safe to use for preparing or serving food. Cedar was plentiful in Lebanon, and Lebanon was so well-known for its beautiful cedar trees that it is displayed on their national flag to this day. Please refresh the page and try again. "We have not fixed any name-board on as we fear that it might prompt the wood smugglers to cut it and sell as it could fetch a big price on account of its Biblical association," he said. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Where is gopher wood found in the world? Every detail of the Arks construction shows His care, love, and redemptive purposes. Thus, we cannot assume that since the ark landed on the mountains of Ararat that the trees growing in that region today are the same types that would have been available to Noah before the flood. flood destroyed the entire face of the earth, The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and Its Scientific Implications, 50th Anniversary Edition by Morris & Whitcomb. Genesis 6:14 states that Noah was to build the Ark of gofer (Hebrew ), more commonly transliterated as gopher wood, a word not otherwise known in the Bible or in Hebrew. The very materials used in the construction of the Ark not only convey protection from the judgment of the floodwaters but a deeper layer of meaning in the protection against a sulphurous fiery judgment in the afterlife. However, since both of these ideas are flawed, we should not endorse such a conclusion. Why are Suriname, Belize, and Guinea-Bissau classified as "Small Island Developing States"? This creates the possibility that gopher wood is not a particular type of tree from which wood is made, but rather the type of beam that can be made with the wood from any tree. Groundhogs are bigger and stockier and they hibernate in the winter, unlike gophers, which have special cheek pouches. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The similarity between a g and a k in the Hebrew alphabet (both letters resemble a backward c) may have caused the confusion. The word translated as village (1 Samuel 6:18) is almost certainly a loan word, which would mean that it is unrelated to the Hebrew verb kaphar. This is what the IVP Bible Background Commentary has to say on "Gopher". sort of coniferous tree thought to possess great strength and Much confusion has been connected to the term "gopher wood." No one seems to know exactly what the Hebrew word , or gpher, really means, and this is the only place in the Bible where it's used. Gophers are medium-sized rodents. Oh, and getting back to the original question about whether we used gopher wood to build the ark at the Ark Encounterif Engelmann spruce or Douglas fir happen to be descended from that mysterious lumber, then yes, we built at least some of our ark out of gopher wood. But all-in-all, gopher wood may have been very strong, reliable and versatile considering it was chosen by God above all wood to build his ark. Cypress was often used by shipbuilders in the ancient Near East. Do Men Still Wear Button Holes At Weddings? To answer your Question # 2, read, please the following information. Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professors, theologians, and those interested in exegetical analysis of biblical texts. What did they use to build the city and Tower? The pitch covered the ark. This point alone essentially rules out the possibility of gopher being the root of gofrit. (14) Make thee an ark. Others, noting the visual similarity between the Hebrew letters g (gimel ) and k (kaf ), suggest that the word may actually be kopher, the Hebrew word meaning 'pitch'; thus kopher wood would be 'pitched wood'. Officials announced the Ark Encounter will temporarily close March 17 with the Williamstown tourist attraction projected to reopen April 2. There are multiple problems with this assertion, and consequently the points the authors derive from it (discussed below) are dubious at best. It has also been suggested that the type of tree used by Noah still exists today in India. There is no translation for this tree. Well, thats a difficult question to answer because it requires us to properly identify gopher wood (or gopherwood in some Bibles). durability. Unlike groundhogs, who spend lots of their time . Other less common translations avoid the word completely and go with generic phrases like cedar (ISV), lumber (CEV), or timber (GNB). Therefore some scholars have proposed that the first letter in the word gopher was accidentally misspelled by a scribe and that the word should actually be kopher. Gopher is the Hebrew word translated "cypress wood" in the NIV. 10 Reasons Why the Trial of Jesus Was Illegal. As the written documentation of Gods interaction with humanity, the Bible is filled with miraculous and amazing events. Gophers are considerably smaller than groundhogs at only about 2 or 3 pounds. 7 Things I Would Do Differently if I Were Raising My Children California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. 5857 / 2021. 103 Pallet Bar DIY Plans & Ideas to Inspire You, How to Get Rid of Wood Borers (Step-by-Step Guide), Effective Ways To Prevent Wood Infestation, Watch Out: Signs of Wood-Destroying Insects and How To Eliminate Them. The wood of a resin-yielding conifer, probably the cypress, used in making the ark ( Gen. 6:14 ). All rights reserved. Content 2023 Institute for Creation Research, Scientific and Biblical Truth Converge for Gopher Wood. 5858 / 2022. Ararat recently? In this case, the authors state, Gpher is actually a root of the word or gophrth, which is translated seven times in the Old Testament as brimstone in the context of Gods fiery judgment on human wickedness.10. But we cannot rightly conclude that the Hebrew terms for gopher wood and pitch imply a deeper layer of meaning in the protection against a sulphurous fiery judgment in the afterlife. These layers of meaning are not found in the text but are invented, albeit with good intentions, by those seeking to infuse deeper spiritual truths even though such things are unwarranted and unnecessary.