We as humans have so much to learn. I live in Canada, in the Province of Ontario. Lacerta File I - Part 2 of 2 Translation by Chris Pfeiler, Editor and Translator. Your scientists have not really understood the true nature of the universe, because your illogical mind is not able to see the easiest things and relies on wrong mathematics and numbers. Maybe we can meet another time and I can give you detailed descriptions of all these things. The buildings of the first breeds are lost, but the fifth civilization was the one, which built the large triangular constructions you call Egyptian Pyramids today around 75,000 years ago (your Egyptians just found that large ancient pyramids in the sand and tried not very successful to built similar constructions) and the sixth civilization was the one, which built the cities which ruins you can find today beneath the sea in the so-called Bimini Area around 16,000 years ago. I will not say that I completely agree with Lacerta, but I believe she believes what she says. You gave them raw materials, you gave them secured locations for their bases, you gave them access to your most secret defense data, you gave them access to your DNA and much moreand all just to quench your greed for power and information. Thirdly, I noticed something above as an oddity. [Comment by Ole K.: I certify that the pencil mentioned above abruptly at that very moment jumped into the air to a height of 20 cm and then fell back to the surface of the table. You are our older brother and sisters and you protected us! You are the good guys, why should some one tell us the different(?) We need to realize we are one consciousness as a human race and treat each other with kindness, respect, and humility, only then will we realize our potential. Paste the Youtube URL into the search box and then click "START" Step 4: Choose the MP3 format and the quality, then click "CONVERT" button. You are the ants. This was around 10 million years ago and our evolution nearly stopped at this point (well, actually there were some minor changes in our look toward a more humanoid and mammal-like appearance during the coming ages, but we have not divided again into sub-species). If Unacknowledged is correct, then we need to make contact again and ask for help to stop the Industrial Military Complex or whomever is in charge of these super black projects that control the earths energy for personal gain. Having stations here on earth makes sense for observation purposes but their full on cities and civilization would likely be on bases outside of Earth where this is zero chance of being discovered. Lacerta has given me this. If we cannot do that we are most certainly doomed. There are reptoids living underground. There youll read in detail about this topic. I think it is important to overcome personal fears. Of course we would also ask for help when it became clear that your old partners were ganging up on you. Pretty much explained the situation from some of the earthling reptilians point of view. How can it be, that human scientists havent found any trace of you and your ancestors if you really live for such a long time on this planet? (Fortunately, the material was also stored on floppies.) Additionally I would be interested if any addtional information from this interviews was released meanwhile, or new information is available. I received a translation English-to-Spanish of the files through a newsletter in my email. We suppose that the coming war between the three races or between you and one or all of them will be fought for raw material, hydrogen, air and DNA. When there are meetings between your kind and aliens which seem to look exactly like yours, these aliens have used that switch and some of the meetings with man-like aliens can be also explained with meetings with my kind.) Well, most of the dinosaurs died (not all in the detonation but in the bad things which came after the war, especially in the nuclear winter and in the fall-out.) In my gut I know something about this world and the things that happen around us isnt right, something clearly is blocked and is an illusion. Interstellar traveling is a normal method to traverse vast universes and galaxies and will be a reality on this planet after First Contact. We can feel that love if we close our eyes and open our harts and mind; it will come to you that undeniable feeling that most of us know. Should I respond?". Dogma is indeed a great enemy of the human beings since it blocks the mind from seeing other realities and paradigms. I know what you are looking for, sweat heart. Is the relationship between your species and ours really shaped from that kind of total negation? Thanks for taking time to transcribe the conversations, I found it very informative, I am looking forward to hear more from you. Im quite sure everyone of you will refuse to believe my words, but I hope Im wrong, because you need to understand if you want to survive the coming years. Hi, can you ask her if she can give any help or advice on medicine or health cures for humans? In the next war humans won't be the issue, it will be between the race of aliens that want ultimate control over the raw materials on this planet and while we may not ultimately mater to her race a war here will involve her kind. We cant live completely vegetarian like your kind because our digestion would stop working and we would die after some weeks or maybe months without flesh. So-called wise men from India and from the Asian mountains have described our species many times in writings, together with other wise men from the African continent. They laugh at all this because they do not care for any nation in particular. K. is correct? and his angels were cast out with him." I rather would value, like yourself, meeting someone with whom I could feel at peace with. Multitudinous incongruities and the overstepping of bounds of the treaties by both sides finally led to an altercation between you and the extraterrestrials, which culminated in the lift-off of three of the alien aerial objects through a special how do you say it? EMP {electromagnetic pulse} weapon and a military skirmish at one of their underground installations. It is important what we want to be and how we want to be. In this position I am quasi-immune against certain restrictions. E. opened the door and we got into an interesting conversation. I believe the experiments with DMT are proof we are one consciousness and can tap into a Universal knowledge to gain truth. We have artificial sun-rooms in the underground but this is not the same for us like the real sun. Any chance of getting the full version of the interview and a look at the drawings done by the interviewer during the interview, as Lacerta said we can look at the drawings we just cant take photos? In any case, it is terribly careless of that species to allow this technology to be photographed by humans. One evening, my apartment door was standing wide open, my TV set was running and I am absolutely confident that I had turned the TV set off. Question: Back to your and our own history. The majority, in various star systems, are members of the Galactic Federation of Light and adhere to the Galactic Codex of ethical behavior in their interactions with other civilizations. If you would be able to open that door (but I doubt this) you would be in a usually round technical room with ventilation systems and elevators to the depth. My homeland lies in one of our smaller underground settlements to the east of here. EVERYTHING THAT WAS SAID BY HER IS ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Humans are so pathetic. I always tell myself that the truth is the truth not bending the truth to fit the ideologies of a religion or some other imposed belief system! Ive read a lot of this kind of stuff on the internet but this really blows my mind everytime I read it. Id hate for these questions to waste. (That term is synonymous, along with other things, with full physical strength.) 11 from this universe, 2 from another bubble and 1 very advanced from a very different plain. It is with a gentle kindness to respect another's desire for privacy and perhaps to hope for a manner in which to be able to exchange a measure of sincerity and heart. When the baby is going to be born, the whole egg is pressed through the vagina covered in a slimy protein substance and the baby came out of this soft egg after some minutes. There is no magic, only highly developed science, and everything that you label as magic is only a part of science. The very first thing is that you must divide up the conception of the physical world because each existence consists of different layers; lets say for simplicitys sake that it consists of a material illusion and a sphere of influence. Please, how do I reach EF/ OLE K coz I want to ask Lacerta just one question that will unlock this master key. Original natives living underground because of us is leaving me very bad taste. just not enough of us brave enough to step forward? That has the strange occult name of soul robbing. But above all, were talking about science here, not about magic or dark forces. The first advanced humans (who lived at the same time with less-developed pre-humans, because the Illojim had experimented with different speeds and stages of evolution) with technology and speech existed around 700,000 years ago on this planet (your scientists have not understand this, because theyve found only the bones of the pre-humans and some primitive cave drawings showing advanced humans and flying devices.) Thank you to Lacerta we peaceful humans appreciate you and your species and I speak on behalf of all humanity and I hope you accept our most sincere apology, it is your planet and I feel its unfair that you hide away. To use a term you will maybe understand: the other species came not from this universe but from another bubble in the foam of the Omniverse. Answer: As you could see with your own eyes, Im not a human being like you and to be honest Im no real mammal (despite my partly mammal-like body features, which are a result of evolution.) Tell the Lacerta take me with them. Finally he brought you into contact with meand for that reason we are now sitting here once again and talking about things which probably wont be believed out there in human society. Heike. Well, that just the way it is, according to Lacerta because we humans are seen as insignificant animals to the more evolved species, somewhat the way we see ants. No one will pay much attention to it. Just apply and use common sense. Question: You said, you would not have had permission at that time for contacts with human beings. The stars are shown in front of a blue background and the dragon-circle means the shape of Earth. Read online the book Brother Veritus Community Plan at http://www.bookemon.com . Answer: Some observed UFOs as you call them belong to us, but most not. K.. From the western continent. As the soul meets another dimension species, I would say. That is Neve McIntosh covered in special effects makeup to play Restac in the excellent Doctor Who episodes "The Hungry Earth" and "Cold Blood". I did not transcribe the interviews. Question: As you have not allowed me to make photos what would be very useful to prove your real existence and the truth of this story can you describe yourself detailed? They are extremely nave, on the contrary. Then they left Earth again for some thousands of years and the primitive pre-humans lived together with us without major problems (they were just afraid of our aircraft and technology). california state pay period calendar for 2021, hearts of palm glycemic index, is ali velshi leaving msnbc in 2022,
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