The fundamental attribution error occurs when we automatically assume a dispositional reason for another persons actions and ignore situational factors. She is very open about herself and shares her thoughts and opinions freely. 77. b. Examples include abnormal blood levels, damaged cells, and abnormal gene expression. Marie comes from a supportive, loving family and has a stable socioeconomic background. The paradigm, or model, adopted by people in the Middle Ages to explain abnormal behavior was the _____ model. All forget that there is no individual model that completely explains human behavior, or in this case, abnormal behavior, and so each model contributes in its own way. b. This represents the psychodynamic models _____ assumption. I'm here for you." The defense mechanism that BEST explains your behavior is: Which model of abnormality MOST closely aligns with positive psychology? The greatest strength or appeal of the behavioral model is that its tenets are easily tested in the laboratory, unlike those of the psychodynamic model. Regarding the finding that there are more seriously disturbed people within poor subpopulations, a multicultural theorist would focus on the way in which: a. personal responsibility is related to dysfunction. Why is this? The answer is yes, and one of two outcomes is possible. The strategies arise from all three learning models. Figure 2.10. Evaluating the cognitive model. Another option to treat mental disorders is to perform brain surgeries. Dont worry. What he discovered was the dogs would salivate even before the meat powder was presented. Rita is seeing a gestalt therapist because she has anxiety about confronting her sister regarding painful interactions from their childhood. a. modeling. None of the models are complete within themselves. According to the behaviorists, disordered behavior is a result of _____________. The biopsychosocial model examines the health and other illnesses and product behavior with biological features and behavioral factors.Several health psychologists work with healthcare experts and patients to help . d. fear. Criticisms. Defense mechanisms include the following: For more on defense mechanisms, please visit: Other examples of secondary reinforcers include praise, a smile, getting money for working or earning good grades, stickers on a board, points, getting to go out dancing, and getting out of an exam if you are doing well in a class. Module Overview. b. electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). 130. There is no individual model that completely explains human behavior and so each model contributes in its own way. An important factor to consider when prescribing drugs for the treatment of abnormality would be that: a. some people do not benefit from drug treatments. Unconditioned means unlearned. This is called observational learning and is contrasted with enactive learning, which is learning by doing. This was a positive punisher that did not have to be learned, and definitely not one of my finer moments in life. Finally, assertiveness training aids the client in protecting their rights and obtaining what they want from others. Neurotransmitter imbalances and problems with brain structures/areas can result in mental disorders. b. Personalizing Blaming yourself for adverse events rather than seeing the role that others play. If a mother seems excessively involved in her child's life such that the two do not seem to be independent people, their relationship is said to be: Theory focused on the behaviors people exhibit and the thoughts they have is usually described as: Ashley is a pole-vaulter who is ready for her event. 68. 134. And then we return to resting potential, as you saw in Figure 2.4. a. psychodynamic b. exposure therapy. Of course, removing cognition from the study of psychology ignored an important part of what makes us human and separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. b. let their thoughts flow, without judgment. In fact, in many college classrooms, this is exactly what the instructor does. b. irrational thoughts contribute to ones feelings. d. It is difficult to predict which people who share the same culture will develop a particular disorder. d. projection. c. the conscious mind. 152. 108. c. irrational patterns of thinking. Evaluating the behavioral model. a. b. family therapy. In fact, behaviorism said psychology was to be the study of observable behavior. d. past traumatic experiences. 12. With this knowledge, a plan is developed and consists of numerous strategies to act on one or all these elements antecedent, behavior, and/or consequence. Cigarette smoking, alcohol use, and drug use during pregnancy are risk factors for ADHD. They protect the neuron from harmful substances. Rates of eating disorders are higher among women than men, though both genders are affected. c. psychodynamic-gestalt. The medical model of mental illness treats mental disorders in the same way as a broken arm, i.e., there is thought to be a physical cause.. The cognitive model of panic disorder focuses on misinterpretations of. A goal of behavior-focused therapy is to: a. prevent feelings of anger and acts of aggression. What is important to mental health professionals is some disorders involve specific areas of the brain. Content that was turned away was said to be repressed. Which statement regarding the outcomes of couple therapy is FALSE? In the case of respondent conditioning, stimuli exert complete and automatic control over some behaviors. 62. a. cognitive b. humanistic c. psychodynamic d. rational emotive. Multicultural psychologists assert that both normal behavior and abnormal behavior need to be understood in the context of the individuals unique culture and the groups value system. a. cognitive-behavioral b. psychodynamic c. sociocultural d. humanistic-existential, 8. 27. The good thing is that what is learned can be unlearned or relearned through behavior modification, the process of changing behavior. When a young child yells and throws toys (i.e., throws a temper tantrum), the parents give the child a good deal of attention. b. change behaviors that are damaging to the relationship. Operant conditioning is a type of associate learning which focuses on consequences that follow a response or behavior that we make (anything we do or say) and whether it makes a behavior more or less likely to occur. There are two forms: classical conditioning, or linking together two types of stimuli, and operant conditioning, or linking together a response with its consequence. c. ineffective treatment options. These are the same four discussed under respondent conditioning. To effectively treat a mental disorder, we must understand its cause. This led to a cognitive-behavioral perspective that combines concepts from the behavioral and cognitive models, the latter discussed in the next section. Throughout this book, we will discuss several treatment strategies used to change unwanted, maladaptive cognitions, whether they are present as an excess such as with paranoia, suicidal ideation, or feelings of worthlessness; or as a deficit such as with self-confidence and self-efficacy. Right? It consists of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. A man has cheated on his partner and he feels very guilty, but soon he begins to make excuses, saying that his partner has nagged him for years. Step 1 Neurons waiting to fire are said to be in, Step 2 If adequately stimulated, the neuron experiences an, Step 3 Once the action potential passes from one segment of the axon to the next, the previous segment begins to, Step 4 After the neuron fires, it will not fire again no matter how much stimulation it receives. What is it? c. cognitive Step 6 Please note that this process is cyclical. e. Models of abnormality are general hypotheses as to the nature of psychological abnormalities. A therapist listens carefully to a client's words and then attempts to show accurate empathy and genuineness. d. develop depression that requires hospitalization. The book published several case studies, including that of Anna O., born February 27, 1859 in Vienna to Jewish parents Siegmund and Recha Pappenheim, strict Orthodox adherents who were considered millionaires at the time. Terms in this set (124) Marie comes from a supportive, loving family and has a stable socio-economic background. It provides the strength to fight back or to flee (fight-or-flight instinct). Freud said this resistance revealed where issues persisted. However, she went to the restroom to change instead. By pairing a neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus (bell and food, respectively), the dog will learn that the bell ringing (NS) signals food coming (UCS) and salivate (UCR). In operant conditioning, the rule for determining when and how often we will reinforce the desired behavior is called the reinforcement schedule. b. A person engages in multiple online discussions with a large number of friends on Facebook. MOST likely, this therapist is a _____ therapist. b. prevention. b. anal stage. Which model is MOST likely to predict that transference will occur during therapy? An example was the attention I received for saying I was Chicken Little. Which of the following is a reason for which little controlled research has been devoted to the effectiveness of existential therapy? The _____ model of abnormality pays particular attention to the client's family structure, societal norms, and the client's roles in society. When I was about eight years old, I would walk up the street in my neighborhood, saying, Im Chicken Little and you cant hurt me. Most ignored me, but some gave me the attention I was seeking, a positive reinforcer. d. Freud. Outline respondent conditioning and the work of Pavlov and Watson. b. delusional thinking. a. behavioral b. sociocultural c. psychodynamic d. humanistic-existential, 6. You can generate a percentage of times you ruminated to the number of successful problem-solving strategies you generated. Would you want notes from the student in the front or back of the class? b. give insightful interpretations of the clients statements. b. working through. Psychosurgery. The nervous system. c. helping the client gain insight into his or her unconscious desires and needs. "That's all right. c. neurotransmitters. To address this unique factor, culture-sensitive therapies have been developed and include increasing the therapists awareness of cultural values, hardships, stressors, and/or prejudices faced by their client; the identification of suppressed anger and pain; and raising the clients self-worth (Prochaska & Norcross, 2013). Identify and define important neurotransmitters. Another example is how a baby will root for a food source if the mothers breast is placed near their mouth. What form do these consequences take? d. short-term psychodynamic therapy. b. sociocultural c. repression. For example, some women may experience symptoms of mental disorders at times of hormone change, such as perinatal depression, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and perimenopause-related depression. After several conditioning trials, the child responded with fear to the mere presence of the white rat (Panel C). Bertha (Anna O.) It consists of the brain and spinal cord. How so? Abnormal behavior in the family causes an individual to develop dual personalities: one for the public and one for at home. c. Behavior that one group would classify as abnormal may be the norm in another group. d. fixation at a lower level of ego functioning. Show: All Cards 109 1 The earliest major psychological model of abnormal behavior was the cognitive model 2 Attempts to understand the biological basis of depression has linked it to imbalances in -norepinephrine and serotonin 3 Fannie goes to a humanist therapist. 153. a. losing the dog b. having the dream over and over c. feeling panicked in the dream d. feeling stress about her mothers illness. We then discussed biological, psychological, and sociocultural models of abnormality. They reflect our unconscious desires and needs. Research on the relationship between religious beliefs and psychological health shows that people: who are devout and see God as caring and helpful are the healthiest. 63. b. operant conditioning. Communication in the Nervous System. Researchers are only now beginning to tease apart the various biological and psychosocial factors that may impact the mental health of both women and men., With regard to assessing the effectiveness of the various models of abnormality, which model BEST lends itself to laboratory testing? c. unconditional positive regard. In the case of borderline personality disorder, many people report experiencing traumatic life events such as abandonment, abuse, unstable relationships or hostility, and adversity during childhood. We started at resting potential in Step 1 and end at resting potential in Step 6. Consider the following: In relation to men: While mental illnesses affect both men and women, the prevalence of mental illnesses in men is often lower than women. When her friends or family criticize or express disapproval over something Johannah has done, she experiences a deep depression and self-abuse. The biggest criticism of these models is that the concepts are abstract and fuzzy and so very difficult to research. Its a simple strategy, but an important one. 84. Anne has distant parents, failing grades, and insufficient funds for basic necessities and also develops depression. 106. Im here for you. A therapist who would say this as a primary part of the therapy process would MOST probably be following the _____ tradition. d. it is too narrow in certain ways. The last part of the personality to develop is the superego, which represents societys expectations, moral standards, rules, and represents our conscience. b. existential c. overgeneralization. Next, help the client stop thinking these thoughts and replace them with more rational ones. b. sociocultural Finally, Freud used dream analysis to understand a persons innermost wishes. A general term used for Freuds and Jungs theories is: a. psychiatric. The force that is in control in this example is the: a. id. a. working through b. exposure therapy c. role playing d. family therapy. A theorist who believes that the multicultural perspective is the correct way to think about abnormality comes from which paradigm? Figure 2.8. According to family systems theory, this family is characterized by: a. enmeshed structure. d. sociocultural. The diathesis-stress model of abnormality emphasizes that: abnormality arises from an interaction between stress and predisposition. How do socioeconomic, gender, environmental, and multicultural factors affect mental illness and its treatment? The medical model definition is the concept of how mental and emotional issues are related to biological causes and problems. Boys are more likely to be diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. c. gestalt therapy. c. Its use is controversial because it requires surgical implantation of electrodes. This is called the absolute refractory period. Depression occurs with greater frequency in women than men. Exemplify the effect of maladaptive cognitions on creating abnormal behavior. Fourth, it is difficult to empirically study psychodynamic principles since most operate unconsciously. Its key figures were Abraham Maslow, who proposed the hierarchy of needs, and Carl Rogers, who we will focus on here. a. id b. superego c. self d. ego, 38. 149. Outside of biological and psychological factors on mental illness, race, ethnicity, gender, religious orientation, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, etc. 65. They are sexual in nature. Outline the structure of personality and how it develops over time. 163. Lorenzo's therapist frequently reminds him that he has the power to change his situation and that he must take responsibility for his actions. Before introducing the current main models, it is crucial to understand what a model is. More specifically, cognitive distortions/maladaptive cognitions can take the following forms: 112. The next morning, researchers placed a hungry cat in the puzzle box and set a small amount of food outside the box, just close enough to be smelled. Within the context of psychopathology, the behavioral perspective is useful because explains maladaptive behavior in terms of learning gone awry. Consider where students sit in a class. The cognitive model made up for an apparent deficit in the behavioral model overlooking the role cognitive processes play in our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The most common types of antidepressants are SSRIs or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and include Citalopram, Paroxetine, and Fluoxetine (Prozac). a. modeling Dealing with anxiety. 52. This is a physical aspect of what disease? The defense mechanism that BEST explains his behavior is: a. rationalization. Multicultural theorists would explain the higher levels of mental illness among poor people as MOST likely due to: a. genetic make-up. The pain was enough that I never walked up and down the street echoing my identity crisis for all to hear. What if you found out that a friend who sits in the front row is a C student but sits there because he cannot see the screen or board, even with corrective lenses? Track the accuracy of the thought. 157. b. genetic mutations. A self-help group differs from group therapy in that the self-help group: a. focuses on less serious problems. It is generally understood that the students who sit in the front of the class are the overachievers and want to earn an A in the class. In Module 2, we will discuss three models of abnormal behavior to include the biological, psychological, and sociocultural models. Each is unique in its own right and no single model can account for all aspects of abnormality. d. classical conditioning. This newer type of cognitive-behavioral therapy emphasizes recognizing problematic thoughts as thoughts rather than judging them, acting on them, or fruitlessly trying to change them. d. researching the effectiveness of the therapy. How does the humanistic perspective approach psychopathology? The response re-emerges. Transcribed image text: model Curl Rogers and Abraham Maslow focused on the psychological roots of abnormal behavior and the need of human for velf acceptance. 144. d. A girl is anxious about giving a speech in front of her class. The self-actualization motive plays an important part in human functioning, according to: a. cognition-focused therapists. 53. They may be positive and include friendly, affectionate feelings, or negative, and include hostile and angry feelings. If we stop providing the food pellets, in time, the rat will stop pushing the lever. c. psychosurgery. 93. The model of abnormality that examines the effects of society and culture is the _____ model. a. long-term memory b. numerical and spatial reasoning c. autonomic nervous system functioning d. feelings of social connectedness among teens, 105. Observational learning is learning by watching others and modeling techniques change behavior by having subjects observe a model in a situation that usually causes them some anxiety. The three parts of personality generally work together well and compromise, leading to a healthy personality, but if the conflict is not resolved, intrapsychic conflicts can arise and lead to mental disorders. The Structure of the Nervous System. 86. 21. Acceptance and commitment therapy borrows heavily from _____, which teaches individuals to pay attention to the thoughts and feelings that are flowing through their minds, and to accept their thoughts in a nonjudgmental way. 100. b. psychoanalysis. b. cognitive-behavioral. d. self-help therapy. In explaining why women are diagnosed with anxiety disorders and depression twice as often as men, multicultural therapists would focus on: a. the biological differences between men and women. Humans are born with freedom, yet do not 'naturally' strive to reach their full growth potential. Contingencies in Operant Conditioning. The goal of therapy is to wean patients from their childlike dependency on the therapist. The pituitary gland is the master gland which regulates other endocrine glands. Many disorders have genetic roots, are a result of hormonal imbalances, or caused by viral infections such as strep. I bet the bad behavior ended too. also play a role, and this is the basis of the sociocultural model. According to Freud, another term for the symbolic meaning of dreams is: a. positive transference. A therapist who describes her client as someone who has yet to fulfill his or her full potential, rather than as someone with a disorder, is MOST likely what kind of theorist? Hypnosis was used at first and relieved her symptoms, as it had done for many patients (See Module 1). d. are considered to be fueled by the libido. Describe the role of genes in mental illness. b. When it comes to other mental disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, research has not found differences in the ratesat whichmen and women experience these illnesses. Banduras Classic Experiment. a. PSYC 203 Chapter 2: Models of Abnormality, Week 12: CNS Drugs Neurodegenerative, Neurolo, Week 11: PNS Drugs (Cholinergic, Adrenergic). D) Its symptoms, such as irrational beliefs, are a severe form of illogical thinking. Twenty-two of the pairs are the same in both sexes, but the 23rd pair is called the sex chromosome and differs between males and females. If you do not believe you do anything right, list evidence of when you did not do something right and then evidence of when you did. Over time, he begins to understand how events in his early life have impacted how he functions now. Dichotomous thinking Viewing people or events in all-or-nothing terms. After you perform poorly on the exam, you blame your professor. Continuous or partial? In terms of the biological model, neurotransmitters, brain structures, hormones, genes, and viral infections were identified as potential causes of mental illness and three treatment options were given. It operates on the reality principle, or an awareness of the need to adjust behavior, to meet the demands of our environment. Which statement would a family systems theorist MOST likely agree with? Rogers did try to investigate his propositions scientifically, but most other humanistic-existential psychologists rejected the use of the scientific method. We see this in the case of reflexes. Which type of psychodynamic therapy encourages therapists to disclose things about themselves? d. Each model views childhood trauma as a factor contributing to abnormal behavior. Here are the models we will examine in this module: You should have learned the following in this section: Proponents of the biological model view mental illness as being a result of a malfunction in the body to include issues with brain anatomy or chemistry. A self-help group differs from group therapy in that the self-help group: A primary prevention approach is expected to be MOST beneficial for mental health issues with: Which phrase would one be MOST likely to hear in a self-help group? 75. Dogs do not enter the world knowing to respond to the ringing of a bell (which it hears). Current multicultural perspectives are MOST likely to focus on the: special external pressures faced by members of a culture. Shonda responds by changing the subject. This approach to learning was called connectionism. Some researchers have manipulated the behaviors and thoughts of study participants to create clinical-like symptoms. Recognizing the signs that you or someone you love may have a mental disorder is the first step toward getting treatment. c. double-blind studies. The uni-dimensional model proposes a single factor as the cause of psychopathology while the multi-dimensional model integrates multiple causes of psychopathology and affirms that each cause comes to affect other causes over time. 131. The answer is yes and no, depending on whether we are talking about continuous or partial reinforcement. b. the libido. 102. 95. Finally, the sociocultural model indicated the role of socioeconomic, gender, environmental, and multicultural factors on abnormal behavior. Humanists would say that an individual who cares about others and who is spontaneous, courageous, and independent is: The perspective that religious views are defense mechanisms created by people to make life tolerable is MOST characteristic of: What happens when an electrical impulse reaches a neuron's ending? What is the problem with a uni-dimensional model of psychopathology? What exactly are some of the neurotransmitters which are so critical for neural transmission, and are essential to our discussion of psychopathology? a. modeling. During repolarization the neuron will not fire no matter how much stimulation it receives. b. focused on a positive message and living a meaningful life. A feminist therapist would MOST likely focus on: how prejudice and discrimination impact women. The rabbit was far enough away so as not to cause distress. 45. c. denial. Behaviors and thoughts may influence the development of psychological disorders. Which is a goal of acceptance and commitment therapy? Annually, approximately 100,000 undergo ECT to treat conditions such as severe depression, acute mania, suicidality, and some forms of schizophrenia. a. b. transference. a. the humanistic-existential model b. the family-social perspective c. the cognitive model d. the psychodynamic model, 11. d. psychodynamic. She had another shirt with her and wanted to change right then and there. c. neurons. The actual code passes from one neuron to another in a chemical form called a neurotransmitter. Failure to treat many people with severe disturbances appropriately is MOST often a problem with which level of prevention? 71. d. cognition-focused. The information is received by brain structures (central nervous system) and perception occurs. c. identified an external source as the cause of abnormal behavior. Since you dont have time, you decide to study only for the classes in which the teacher provided a study guide. So the dog now reliably salivates at the sound of the bell because he expects that food will follow, and it does. c. reject thoughts that are not rational. b. Existentialists believe that research isnt necessary, because the effectiveness of existential therapy is already apparent due to its widespread success. As you might expect, if reinforcement occurs after extinction has started, the behavior will re-emerge. a. Fritz Perls b. Joseph Wolpe c. Abraham Maslow d. Aaron Beck, 123. These words have no affective connotation to them, meaning they do not imply good or bad. What is learning and what forms does it take? b. family structure and communication. Divorce or the death of a spouse can lead to anxiety disorders. The neural impulse proceeds across the following steps: Lets look at the electrical portion of the process in another way and add some detail. It begins with the individual learning a relaxation technique such as diaphragmatic breathing. You immediately focus all of your energy on the financial implications of your partners departure and ways to save money. Why is this important to a discussion of psychopathology? The person may think the schedule has simply changed. d. It focuses on educational goals rather than therapeutic purposes. Really, the sky is the limit with reinforcers in particular. Describe the structure of the neuron and all key parts.